Lesson 4: Pause to Practice

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  1. Practice the food puzzle version of On / Off Switch. Film it and take a look at your dog’s body language. Are you going at the right pace or are you causing frustration? Is the lesson clear to your dog?
  2. Rehearse your BAT leash skills first before doing #3. Work in an enriched environment or add Sprinkles so your dog will be busy being a dog.  Walk casually in BAT style with your dog, starting with the leash in ‘basic position’ – Handle, Braking Distance, hands relaxed, and about 2 yards/meters from the dog. Have about one time of Slide and one of Mime Pulling, but mostly just relaxed BAT walking. Watch your video of doing this this first before the next exercise. Do you have enough braking distance? Are your arms relaxed at your side when your dog stops? Are you following (as you should be unless you have to lead away from something) or accidentally leading? Look for leaning and subtle signs, not just obvious ones.
  3. Outside on a 15-foot (5-meter) leash, practice On Switch / Off Switch by reinforcing your check-in cue once and then giving your All Done cue. Then use the BAT leash skills to follow your dog as your dog sniffs the area. Work in an area that your dog would want to investigate that’s not so distracting he can’t check in with you. Bushes are more interesting than open fields. If your area is boring, sprinkle parmesan cheese or something with odor (like sheep dung) in the grass first.
