For Dog Trainers & Families:
We care about Dogs AND People at the Grisha Stewart Academy
Professional dog trainers and families with dogs get practical, theoretical, and emotional support in my collaborative online dog school. We have well over 150 fascinating webinars and courses taught by my favorite international experts on dog behavior, with new classes and offerings all the time.
If you are a dog trainer, want to become a dog trainer, or you just have a dog who needs high-level training and care, the GSA is for you! [Learn More]
Why we are Empowered Animals, LLC:
In a culture obsessed with dominance and hierarchy, more power may seem like the last thing you want to give your dog. Empowerment is actually an efficient, effective way to work through behavior ‘problems,’ because behavior is all about meeting needs.
When you remove obstacles in the way of learning and give dogs a way to meet their needs, their ‘misbehavior’ disappears. Humans AND dogs can become empowered, safe satisfied animals in collaborative interspecies families. That’s what Love is all about.
[Visit the Grisha Stewart Academy]
Grisha Stewart Academy Calendar:
You can also subscribe to our Google Calendar for dog training events at the academy here. We also have collection of descriptions for upcoming events, which may include events not yet on the Google calendar.
Find fun & useful dog gear in the GSA Campus Store for Dog Folks:
This is a little shop with most-recommended dog gear. Super-soft dog leashes, books, videos, walking harnesses, gift certificates, and more.
We also have a separate store for t-shirts and other swag.
For Humans:
Let’s Connect in Learning & Song at Stellar Village!
What if we could all find a way to get along? Stellar Village is a collaborative online learning community for the heart and soul, co-created with some of the most amazing people I know and love. Even though the world has gotten so divided and lost in translation, we humans all really want to belong, be safe, and live a life of meaning.
“Village” is a verb, and we’re learning how, together. In this diverse online space, we’re collectively practicing the skills and technologies of kinship tending, like community singing, grieving together, embodied practices, and collaborations. [Visit Stellar Village]
Listen to our podcast, “The Lesson is Love”:
Is learning to love the whole reason we’re here? My podcast with Diane Redding explores universal kinship and the experience of dogs in our care with inspiring, big-hearted creatives (with dogs)! Learn more at GrishaStewart.com/love
Trigger warning: we go fairly deep in our episodes and that often includes mentions of childhood and other traumas (though not in explicit detail).