Grisha Stewart is an author, international speaker, dog trainer, and online dog school facilitator based in Oregon, USA, who specializes in dog reactivity and canine empowerment. She founded Ahimsa Dog Training in Seattle in 2003, which she sold to a staff member in 2015. Grisha’s Ahimsa team earned many awards, including Best of Seattle and Best of Western Washington.
“Ahimsa” is a Buddhist doctrine of nonviolence to all living things, which reflects Grisha’s focus on force-free methods to promote the well-being of dogs and their humans.

Her seminal book, “Behavior Adjustment Training: BAT for Aggression, Reactivity, and Fear in Dogs,” was published by Dogwise in late 2011. Grisha’s popular second book, “The Official Ahimsa Dog Training Manual: A Practical, Force-Free Guide to Problem Solving & Manners,” was published in 2012 and updated in 2014. She also has over a dozen DVDs, with 6 currently in print. Her third book, BAT 2.0 was released in early 2016 and is available to order here on her site (and other places, but here is best)! This content replaces the first BAT book.

Grisha is an enthusiastic and entertaining presenter who creates her seminars to accommodate a variety of learning styles.
She presents dog training and behavior seminars around the world and lessons online. There are over 70 different courses in her innovative online dog training school, with more coming every few weeks from a variety of instructors, including Grisha.
Interested in hosting a BAT seminar?
See Grisha’s hosting page for a list of topics some quotes from seminar hosts. If you don’t host seminars, but want to attend a dog behavior seminar near you, please send a link to the hosting page to a local training club.
More about Grisha
Grisha has earned a Master’s in Mathematics from Bryn Mawr College and most of a Master’s in Psychology with an emphasis in animal behavior at Antioch University. Her first career as a theoretical mathematician and college instructor serves her well in dog training and behavior consultations, because she relies heavily on the problem solving, critical thinking, and teaching skills she gained in that field. Since founding Ahimsa Dog Training in 2003, she has found her canine and human students to be much more excited about learning than her college students!

Canine behavior fascinates Grisha and she is highly motivated to help improve our techniques for rehabilitating and training dogs. Her professional interest in dog reactivity, along with the need to find an efficient rehabilitation technique that would work with her own dog’s fear issues, led Grisha to develop BAT.
Grisha has also recently gotten interested in singing and writing music, including her song about BAT, posted below (2018). Click here for more information about Grisha’s music.
Media and PHOTOS: Please click on the images on this page for high-resolution photographs. Please also visit Grisha’s media press kit.