
Thanks for your interest! Use this form to get support for products on this site or seminars. We have a Help/FAQ page that will answer most of your questions.

Dani and Yvette respond to general emails during the week. While the school is quite active and running at full capacity, I am on sabbatical for summer 2024 and respond to emails that require my attention around the first of each month. Thanks for your patience.

Unfortunately, we are not able to keep up with the volume of specific how-to questions about dog training, so questions of that nature will likely not get a response. Diamond members also have a dedicated, staff-moderated discussion group – see the Diamond Orientation for details. We have a public Academy Facebook group for peer support and there are also chat groups specifically for BAT.

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Postal mailing address: P.O. Box 14, Deadwood, OR 97430 USA

Collaborative, Empowered Dog Training for Pros and Families – Online!