Lesson 9: Pause to Practice

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Here are some recommendations for practice in the next week or so:

  • Practice the 5-second rule (or more like 1- or 3-second rule, depending on the puppy) with a person your puppy doesn’t know.
    Have the person turn away if there is any jumping or biting. If your puppy is not interested in the contact, have the person do Touch + Find It with your puppy or just toss the puppy treats without requiring Touch. If you have them do Touch, you should practice it first so you know your puppy can do it.You may need to do the clicking, cueing, and treating, with the person just being the target.  If you film it, go over your video and note your puppy’s body language.
  • Meet up with another puppy or vaccinated adult dog with good social skills. If the play starts speeding up or you see cut-off signals that are not correctly responded to by the other dog, help them out as I mentioned above with Roxy and Sammy. Film the whole session and select a few minutes from that interaction to observe. What body language do you see?
  • Practice each of these skills with a long line, as described in the previous lesson. Be sure to practice with a chair or a person before practicing with your dog. You have a lot to do this week, but do try it if you can!
    • Handle
    • Slide
    • Slow Stop
    • Relax the Leash
    • Mime Pulling
    • Shorter
    • Longer
  • Practice the Name and Touch
