Lesson 5: Pause to Practice

This practical work goes with Lessons 1-4. Be sure to read them first.

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I really like video because it gives me a chance to see where I can improve. Expect to me to sometimes post videos and then follow up with an explanation of how I could have done better. If you share your videos with the other students, please be ready for suggestions on how you can improve. Please be kind to one another with your feedback.

Try to catch yourself doing things ‘right’ in the videos, but it will probably not be perfect. If you share videos in the ABBA Facebook group, I recommend that you point out what went well and also be sure to note times when you could have done better, and explain how.


The PRACTICE section has multiple items, generally listed in the order that I recommend they should be done.

You may want to focus on different things with your puppy than what is listed here. I haven’t included all possible topics for a puppy to focus on, but my preference is to prioritize socialization and skills for life with humans over behavior that you can teach later (sit, down, heel, tricks, etc.).

PRACTICE (try to do within 1-1.5 weeks):

  1. Autowatch throughout the day. Mark the autowatch at least 30 times each day this week. That can easily be done by taking a handful of treats or puppy kibble with you on each potty walk.
  2. Mix it up! At least 10 of the times that you use a verbal marker this week, follow that up with a non-treat reinforcer, like a chance to chase you, a toy, or a particularly inviting smell. This can be for any behavior you like, including autowatch or housetraining.
  3. Film Yourself: Film a minute of doing the 5-second rule with you and your puppy. Watch it and notice the body language. If you learn to do something differently by watching the video, film it again and see if there’s more to learn.
  4. Film Yourself: After you and your dog have practiced autowatch until you both are comfortable with it, film a minute or two of a session, with a verbal marker. Mix it up by using at least 3 kinds of reinforcers during your session.  Can you tell what your puppy’s favorite reinforcer was? Did anything happen during the session that your puppy really didn’t like?
  5. Film a few minutes minutes of your puppy just being a puppy (playing, walking, relaxing). Watch it again and look for body language.
  6. Introduce your puppy to the concept of “Sprinkles” – check out the great article by Sally Hopkins. It’s an excellent way to practice being relaxed in the yard (or in a park). Gradually move farther away as your puppy enjoys the sprinkles, to help teach him to be comfortable being off by himself and prevent separation issues.
