Prepaid Student Membership

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level2)]

Welcome [s2Get constant=”S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_DISPLAY_NAME” /]!
Thanks for being a [s2Get constant=”S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LABEL” /] Member of the Building Blocks Academy.

Click here to view the Member Video Library.

[/s2If]Enter your Code below and click Apply to make the payment info go away, then complete the registration. You probably purchased a 10-week card, but I am giving you a bonus. Use your card code below for a  student membership that last one year and a day. When that expires, you will get an email with the option of renewing. It will not renew automatically.

[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level=”2″ ccaps=”giftcardpage” desc=”24.95 USD, 1 year student membership” ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”” ta=”24.95″ tp=”1″ tt=”D” ra=”0″ rp=”1″ rt=”Y” rr=”0″ rrt=”” rra=”2″ accept=”paypal,visa,mastercard,amex,discover,maestro,solo” accept_via_paypal=”paypal” coupon=”” accept_coupons=”1″ default_country_code=”” captcha=”0″ /]

Note: If this page has payment info, please go back to the top, enter your gift code, and click Apply.

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