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Making and reviewing a video of your work helps you learn more. You can even play it back in slow motion! It also gives you something to look back at later to see your own progress or if you need to share with someone to ask for help, you have an easy visual to refer to.
- Condition a relaxation cue as described in the earlier lesson, with an essential oil or a verbal cue. In your video, look for signs of relaxation or distress and see if you need to change anything.
- Condition a verbal relaxation cue by cueing your dog to relax just as you see him about to settle down at home (like as she circles to lie down for a nap, while she’s looking out the window but you can tell she is about to give up. Say your cue calmly and be quiet or praise very calmly. This is practically impossible to film so just do it without filming.
- SEC on switch. Practice as in the previous lesson. Is your SEC too startling? Too close/loud? If so, try to tone it down a bit.