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- Continue conditioning relaxation and training the On/Off Switch as time allows.
- Practice Silky Leash with your dog. Use the back of the harness for the attachment rather than the collar shown in the videos. Use either Slide or the light steady pressure shown in the video (just enough to lift the leash clip). Work at your dog’s pace.
- Do a BAT Set-up with your dog, using something/someone that your dog wants to get to as the trigger. If you can’t get a dog or person helper, you can use a treat bag or toy on the ground or a table. I recommend filming and looking at your dogs body language. Actually write it out for yourself. Pay attention to where you use Mark and Move versus the “regular” BAT 2.0 set-up. Think about where there is room for improvement in your technique, especially any times you accidentally lead your dog toward the trigger.
Be sure to not mix up your BAT practice and Silky Leash practice. You should not need to move the dog around much during your BAT set-up. Most of it will be done just by following your dog, and if you do a Slow Stop, you will then Relax the Leash right away, not waiting for her to do so as you would in Silky Leash.