Click here for the video.
Note that if it doesn’t say who typed, then that’s Grisha.
Hi Mike!
Michael Shikashio
Michael Shikashio
Hi again!
8:27 AM
Hi all! Due to my time zone, I’m not likely to be able to join live. Could I post questions at the next video chat before it starts?
2:43 PM
You can post them now before this one starts or you can do the next ones as well.
2:59 PM
just testing
3:19 PM
It’s working Jem
will this coursewill there be a follow on course at a later date? i’d love some dog to dog cases
Hoping so! We are planning on doing this again, probably in the fall. I would also be interested in knowing who else you want to see in this format. I have several in the works, not just for aggression.
oo i’ll keep my eyes peeled
Hi! Testing to be sure this goes through! Thanks for putting this together!
3:40 PM
hi folks all set on the video and sound?
how do we test the sound
i can see the video page
Elly Price
Yes I can see and hear from Michigan,USA
working now, just had to log in again, think t timed out as i logged in so early lol
Marie Selarque
Marie Selarque
Elly Price
Hello from Michigan, metro Detroit
ello from the uk
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
testing! Home on time! Hello from Las Vegas
Hi folks you should hear music…is that happening?
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
recognise that from clicker expo
Elly Price
Hey from the UK, sound all good this end:D
Good morning. Yup. Cheerful music to wake up to here. 🙂
there is a sound button on the video
also a little volume thing in the bottom right.
Kirtan Yoga Christchurch
Kirtan Yoga Christchurch
good day from NZ
And your computer volume
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
Let me go into the other screen
Hiya Kirtan
Elly Price
which the chat section was to the side of the video screen not at the bottom.
you can do it as a separate window. There’s a link at the top of the video.
Elly Price
If you every lose audio or anything freezes, just refresh your page
Elly Price
Perfect! got it now. 🙂
Anna Bannana
Anna Bannana
Hi from Bend Oregon. Like the music 🙂
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
You sound great Grisha!
Michael Curran
Was having difficulty logging into chat, got in via guest
Camille Asmer
Camille Asmer
hi from Charlotte, NC 🙂
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
Hello from California!
Karen Elizabeth
Karen Elizabeth
Hello from Nova Scotia, Canada!
michael please come do workshops in the UK again
Michael Shikashio
Michael Shikashio
Hi everyone! Great to see so many familiar peeps!
Jacqueline Moreno
Jacqueline Moreno
Hi from Alabama!
Hello from the Netherlands 🙂
Michael Curran
I was lucky, evening session called in sick. Will prob need to watch future sessions via recording
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
Yes, can hear
Sheila Ferguson
Hi all! Sheila Ferguson
yup all good
Jacqueline Moreno
Jacqueline Moreno
Yes, can hear
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
All good here!
all good
Iain Sneddon
Iain Sneddon
Loud and clear 😀
Karen Elizabeth
Karen Elizabeth
All good here! 🙂
Anna Bannana
Anna Bannana
Marie Selarque
Marie Selarque
Yes I can hear you! Marie
Elly Price
Amanda Jenkins
All good
Linda Kwoun
Linda Kwoun
i can hear you
Janet Graham
I’m here!
Janet Graham
I can hear them
Jayne Fine
Jayne Fine
perfect audio!
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
I can hear everyone
Linda Kwoun
Linda Kwoun
can hear everyone
Karen Elizabeth
Karen Elizabeth
Sounds good here too
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Hello!! Grisha: Radar says Hi! Mike:Piper is still watching you!
Hi melanie!
Hi Everybody, this is so much fun!
David Sternberg
HELP! I can’t see the video. Says “Sorry Because of its settings, this video cannot be played here.
Uh oh what country are you in?
Can you try from another device?
David Sternberg
US, San Francisco
David Sternberg
I hear Michael, no video
hmmm that makes no sense
try refreshing the page
Camille Asmer
Camille Asmer
I’m not able to watch but I think the problem is on my end
Michael Curran
Maybe different browser?
And this will all be recorded
There are some settings you can change with resolution, I imagine that’s not it, but try the little gear icon on the lower right?
David Sternberg
This is David Sternberg. I followed the link instructions provided. On iMac, OS Catalina
hmm me too. Do you have chrome?
Camille Asmer
Camille Asmer
deramax is deracoxib?
David any luck? If not I will email you
4:13 PM
making sure chat is still working 🙂
Karen Elizabeth
Karen Elizabeth
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
Janet Graham
Camille Asmer
Camille Asmer
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Kristine Mele Uw-aab Cpdt-ka
Kristine Mele Uw-aab Cpdt-ka
My computer froze so I missed the beginning. Is this the same process he uses for his regular consults?
Kristine, yes. He’s recapping now what you may have missed. 🙂
Mostly, just a little abbreviated. He got some of the history in advance because it was a course. that’s in the course materials.
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Is this a behavior only at home or did he do it at the daycare as well?
By the way the chat history is going to be part of the course materials so if you say something that you don’t want shared, please let me know.
which behavior melanie?
Kristine Mele Uw-aab Cpdt-ka
Kristine Mele Uw-aab Cpdt-ka
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
The inablility to meet new people. Daycare would have newer humans and some have higher turn over rates?
A password vimeo is required to view he live. What is it?
*the live
It shouldn’t need that. Can you refresh?
so the behavior is displayed off leash in house for greetings and on-leash outside the house? is that right?
The vimeo password is only if you want to use your vimeo credentials for the chat versus a guest.
It’s okay. Its works.
it says live stream offline and video has jumped back
Iain Sneddon
Iain Sneddon
video running live here ok, can you refresh?
Ok great Nicky
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Does Luke have an issue if the person leans over at a distance and let Luke close the distance? or is it only the body language of leaning over in general?
4:29 PM
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
What an awesome client. She is a pretty savvy dog guardian.
Karen Elizabeth
Karen Elizabeth
Isn’t she, though!
Janet Graham
She’s done so much already! Love it!
I love how she pays close attention to her dogs – to the smallest of details. 🙂
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
emily – yes! She’s got it.
Iain Sneddon
Iain Sneddon
Have they done weight bearing weighing and measurements?
Barbara Brabant
Barbara Brabant
Yes! Wish more folks were like that!
Elly Price
it’s not the dog that needs training, it’s the people that’s are visiting,lol the owner is amazing.
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
Elly – Right???
Spot on!
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Does he weight change backward when new person tries to pet, possibly triggering pain with injury in the back leg?
Barbara Brabant
Barbara Brabant
Interesting thought Melanie
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
I love how MS morphs into the prognosis with so much R+ !! I hope to become this smooth!
yes totally!
Seriously… she needs to know how amazing she’s been with this issue! She’s put so much hard work and is continuing to look for solutions. Major kudos to her!
Yes! She will see these comments later
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
And she’s got bait!!!!
Elly Price
@Dep, lol
If for some reason you lose the comments, i can also take questions in my FB group.
I’m in awe with this owner. What a great work she has done so far. And such great observations!
I love her caveats about how he comes to them
Iain Sneddon
Iain Sneddon
totally 😀
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
Yeah – she’s sooo educated !
Elly Price
@Grisha ,Yes
Elly Price
you can’t get expense. they can open the size you need
Elly Price
op’s *can
I’m not sure what you meant, Elly?
@Grisha I think she means the gates that are expandable for the larger room entry-ways.
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
If he’s a jumper, a 48” ex pen could be affixed.
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
I think Elly means an X-pen to double as a baby gate to accommodate the wider doorways
I may have missed this – when people enter in the house, does she have him on leash dragging or off leash?
Elly Price
exercises pens can be opened up and set in between the large doorways
Elly Price
@Marissa yes
Elly Price
@Nancy Yes
4:59 PM
Barbara Brabant
Barbara Brabant
are these training sessions recorded for us to see?
on those short breaks into another room, does he recommend a kong or easy training behaviors or just hang out?
Barbara yes I believe so.
Ready to switch folks!
it seems like doing simple behaviors (i.e targeting) would be helpful.
Elly Price
this owner is very savvy with her dogs, not very often do I encounter a client like this
so i figured i’d ask 🙂
Ready Jill?
Camille Asmer
Camille Asmer
@Elly, I agree!
Elly Price
Yes ready for next
Shelly Wood
Shelly Wood
Is the plan to continue to mark and reinforce for looking at the stimulus or ever possibly marking and reinforcing for disengagement?
Kirtan Yoga Christchurch
Kirtan Yoga Christchurch
it’s stacey supposed to do the 15-20min session with ideally 3 people per session or 1 new person at a session?
I’ve told him it’s ok if we go a little long today. If you can’t stay up, it’ll all be in the recording
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
Might you incorporate something like hand targeting after the dog seems to have more of a CER+ to people? Someone mentioned that here in the chat.
Elly Price
I was wondering about the hand targeting as well
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Have you found luck with scented clothes from that new person nearby during session?
Kirtan Yoga Christchurch
Kirtan Yoga Christchurch
What instructions does the person get coming over to Stacey’s house? no eye contact with dog, read a book, talking to Stacey?
5:18 PM
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Has Jill trialed a long leash for pottying outside of the house?
Kristine Mele Uw-aab Cpdt-ka
Kristine Mele Uw-aab Cpdt-ka
I would visit someone with 5 dogs.
so would I! *Kristine
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Has Mia tried any confidence building skills, like nosework, canine conditioning, project toys?
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
I feel for her! I have people look at me crazy when they hear I have 5 dogs!
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
I have 4 dogs, but I have every behavior issue in my household. Yes, I’ve had temp fosters as well, bringing our house to 5 dogs multiple times.
5:29 PM
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Does Lucas typically walk heavier or noisier around the house?
Does she reserve the vocalizations for his departures only?
(Oh… never mind… the next clip answered my question)
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
Do any of the other dogs show any fear toward him as well?
Oh! If that was the Doxie barking, then my original question remains: Does she only vocalize when it’s clear that he’s leaving the room?
I am about to try something to help the people who are locked out of chat. If for some reason Vimeo asks for a password, it is DOGS. You shouldn’t need to enter it unless you refresh the page.
Elly Price
with the questionnaire available somewhere on the site that we could use?
Elly Price
*is the questionnaire available somewhere on the site that we could use?
David Sternberg
David Sternberg
What percentage of the day is Mia Calm? Does she settle, display calm relaxed behavior with the other dogs around?
Jayne Fine
Jayne Fine
it worked for me!
Michael Curran
Chat fixed for me
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
I find this interesting because Mia is trying to escape and she can’t.
She tries to escape yet she did approach that one time… interesting
Elly Price
does Mia display the behavior when no other dogs are around, if it’s just harder and your son?
yaaay back in, needed password
yay welcome back David, Michael, Jem
Elly Price
richie savage
richie savage
i have lost video but can now see chat
Yay!!! Thank you so much Grisha!!!!
Richie that happened to me, too. I left and came back in. it worked
i think chrosti has lost the video
if video gets lost just refresh the page and use DOGS for password
May need to refresh after adding that password too… when in doubt refresh 🙂
Thank you all so much for your patience. 🙂
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
Emily – yep. So Lucas moving around really is a trigger.
I’ve been working hard in the background
Karen Elizabeth
Karen Elizabeth
I wonder how she would be with Lucas outside on a walk
richie savage
richie savage
Now I have both video and chat, thank you!
I wonder if when Lucas is sitting, he tosses at a pretty far distance (her safe distance) desirable food… in 2-3 min sessions… would that help to start a very small relationship?
Whoop! just in time for the official Q&A after he’s done here. Right now he’s not technically fielding questions. That’s how we’ve set it up, for him to work and then take questions at the end.
Karen Elizabeth
Karen Elizabeth
If she has back pain it may hurt her to lookup to someone that is tall like that.
I’m sharing the questions with him directly, so feel free to keep posting them and talking amongst ourselves
what are michaels thought on using play when doing cc around triggers (not necessarily specific to these cases) or is there too much concern of amping the dog up so they are more likely to react?
5:54 PM
why does michael prefer verbal to clicker? just curious
same question as @jemw why the verbal over clicker?
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
We use verbal marker “TAG”, since it’s not used much in conversation, But my pups also know Box Clicker and Button Clicker.
Elly Price
if the dog is sensitive, he might be afraid of the clicker
Tag would also be pretty salient
Karen Elizabeth
Karen Elizabeth
I assume it’s because people can be quicker with verbal than they can with a clicker and she may need both hands to help her during this stage of Mia’s CC\
I think the clicker is just one more thing to add and we want to make it as easy for the Client as we can
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Jemw and Emily: Some shy dogs are very fearful of the sound. Not to mention the verbal is usually with you all the time
yeah i usually use verbal with most clients but curious on specific reason in this case, sounds like she is very sensitive
valid points on verbal is easier for client to handle and “always there”… what i was thinking that it’s so unique/distinct that it may help her to focus… though if she’s sound sennsitive that could be a problem… i’ve used a pen as a clicker i wonder if that could work
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
Maybe using a verbal to make it simple and easiest as possible for the client?
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
Would teaching her Place be helpful in helping reduce her over all anxiety and lacking of settling that she’s experiencing all the time?
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
My dogs’ behaviorist also uses verbal “TAG” since its often that shy or underconfident dogs have issues with clicker sounds
Did anyone else just get booted?
Jessica Novstrup
Jessica Novstrup
not yet
Karen Elizabeth
Karen Elizabeth
Place will likely be used at some point but for now he wants her on lead because I don’t think Mia will stay still. She is too triggered by him and would likely practice the behaviors he wants to interrupt and change.
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
I got booted a few minutes ago and had to do several refreshes
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Box Clicker I use for Classes, Button Clicker for indiviual training, and Verbal for behavior. We practice all 3 with all 4 dogs in different scenerios
Thanks for the tech support to each other 🙂
@Melanie Very similar here for my family! I end up using verbals once behavior is established .
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
I’ve got a black screen.
Thanks for your patience with this first round with Mike.
Deb refresh the page
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
@Karen, yes, I don’t think it would be good to work with her on it with Lucas but since he’s only home for a handful of days a month, it would be more something to work on during the rest of the time since she had mentioned that she is always on high alert, even when Lucas isnt
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
Refreshed and used the DOGS password. All good!
Had to refresh and use DOGS password just now too.
Fascinating. I just had a long chat with Vimeo and they’re fixing this for next time
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
I had to log out and then back in. Using DOGS got me a black screen.. But I’m back!
That happened to me too Deb but refreshing the page worked after that. You’re back with video?
Marissa Treece, CPDT-KA
To clarify my initial question. Would teaching Place and doing place work be helpful in reducing Mia’s anxiety in her everyday life, not when Lucas is home? She had mentioned that she wanted to up her does for anxiety
Michael Curran
It has helped me with a dog who Specifics reacted to my scent
Kirtan Yoga Christchurch
Kirtan Yoga Christchurch
Would the high value treat that is only used with Lukas, make Mia anxious that he is going to come if its only used on that occasion?
Linda Nico
Linda Nico
ditto on the refresh thing and password
Jessica Novstrup
Jessica Novstrup
How would set ups be different if the dog is anxious around small kids in the home?
Jayne Fine
Jayne Fine
how does this differ from a normal consult w a client given both of these consults had training experience? (i.e., do you go more into detail on magangement, training instructions, etc)
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
Yes have video
Welcome back to all 🙂
Michael Curran could you clarify your question?
Elly Price
Yes, thank you!
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
I have a genetic anxiety disorder dog who is more fearful of humans that walk “Heavy”, but has done better with canine conditioning exercises for confidence building
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
@Jayne – most of my clients need to understand how to charge a marker, etc. And way more hand holding!
Michael Curran
Was not a question, was responding to question regarding scented clothing
To get the Mia and Luke’s data, look for their name on the course page/
David Sternberg
David Sternberg
Since Mia displayed a behavior change when Lucas approaches the gate, predictor, would it be a benefit for him to make approaches without entering to assist with this to lessen the predictability factor? This should not have a pattern, starting at appropriate distance from the fa
ah got it, thanks!
Jayne Fine
Jayne Fine
@Deb- I figured probably this an abbreviated version of a normal video/distance consult
David Sternberg
David Sternberg
Distance from the Gate! not fa
Brian Munro
How might Mia be managed when Lucas is around- not during the set-ups? Just using baby gates to help her avoid interactions with him or not entering into the same space?
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
Does Mia have any issues with hands moving? I’m thinking about the treat tossing.
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
and if her back hurts the treat tossing would have to be done carefully.
6:15 PM
Michael Curran
Family paws dogs and toddlers has been helpful with smaller kids
David Sternberg
David Sternberg
Does Mia show a change in behavior when others people come through the gate to the kitchen?
Swinging his leg over the gate created a response, too.
what other courses do you do nmichael 🙂
michael, sorry
Deb Manheim
Deb Manheim
Thank you Stacey and Jill. So kind of you to share!
yes very kind thankyou
David Sternberg
David Sternberg
Thank you all, most kind to share.
Michael Curran
Jena, his aggression in dogs master course is great too
Linda Nico
Linda Nico
Great Michael, thanks to Stacey and Jill
oo where is that?
Elly Price
thank you kindly! <3
Melanie Gantt
Melanie Gantt
Thank You Mike, Grisha, Stacey, and Jill!!!
jemw it’s online!
Shelly Wood
Shelly Wood
Great stuff! Thanks to all!
Janet Graham
Thank You!
Kristine Mele Uw-aab Cpdt-ka
Kristine Mele Uw-aab Cpdt-ka
This was great!
This was so helpful. THank you !!!
Karen Elizabeth
Karen Elizabeth
Thank you!! Looking forward to the next ones
Brian Munro
Brian Munro
thus was great. Thank you@
night everyone
Kirtan Yoga Christchurch
Kirtan Yoga Christchurch
Thank you for the session. Looking forward to the follow up!