Lesson 12: Pause to Practice

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  • Do a BAT set-up (or feel free to read the next section on troubleshooting before you do this).
  • If you haven’t already done so, download the  BAT Basics PDF from my handouts page to give to friends who help you with your set-ups:  (available in other languages).
  • Film your set-up so that you can watch what happened. If possible, have your camera person occasionally show the trigger in the camera, so you know where the trigger was when you watch it again. But mostly they should focus on you and your dog.
  • Watch the first 30 seconds after the dog gets out of the car at the set-up location. Note whether you got the leash ready BEFORE you let your dog out. Assess your dog’s body language.
  • Watch your video and try to pick out where you and your dog did the best job (it could be different spots). Note your dog’s body language and anything that could be improved.
    • Did you start below threshold (green or blue) or was the dog sucked in the whole time (yellow or worse)?
    • Did you accidentally lead your dog toward the trigger after he was already aware of it, even subtly?
    • How were your leash skills? Bows, braking distance, leash off the ground, etc.
  • We will discuss troubleshooting some more in the next lesson, but the BAT Troubleshooting PDF will help give you a head start.
  • Cut to a short clip to share to your peers to discuss in the ABBA Facebook group.
