Lesson 14: Pause to Practice

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  • Compare the old BAT video of the horse (from the notes in the last lesson) with how BAT is supposed to be done today. What is different and why?
  • Find a video of training online (clicker, traditional, BAT, counterconditioning, etc.) or find non-BAT videos of you with your dog. Focus in on 1-2 minutes of each one, and look at it from the perspective of troubleshooting as if it were BAT. It doesn’t have to be a BAT set-up, it could be another kind of training that you look at through the lens of BAT.
  • Time for another set-up! You’ll end up doing many of them, assessing yourself each time to see if it could be done better. As before, film this for yourself and go over the video.
  • Find the most successful part of your BAT set-up, meaning the part that looks the most like BAT as I’ve described it, with the dog in the green or blue zones. Note your dog’s body language, what you did or what happened before the session (or didn’t) that helped this go well, and anything that could still be improved. Keeping a written record of this for yourself will help your training improve. Plus you can go back to it later and see how far you’ve both come.
  • Pick some moments from your set-up that could have gone better. In the notes for your future self, comment on what happened and what you could have done to improve the situation.
