Chat Transcript for Review Session 2

Click here for the video.
Note that if it doesn’t say who typed, then that’s me (Grisha).

6:39 AM
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Good morning!
6:47 AM
Good morning, Teressa!
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
I can hear you Grisha.
Thanks Teressa!
If any of you can’t hear me, be sure that your system volume is on and that the video itself is on, too. There’s a little volume button on the bottom right.
6:59 AM
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Chat is working today!!
Great!, glad to hear that Stephen. Thanks for your emails.
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Good morning!
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
Good morning! I was like… wait! why is the music stopping!!! GRRRR
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
hmmm I could hear until I joined chat -logging out to try again
Thanks Vanessa
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
What training / reading have the shelter folks done before this session?
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Shelter dogs often do not even know their name , was thisan assigned name ?
Now I can comment! Switched away from Safari and that let me join with chat 🙂
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Wondered when watching on Wed if the crowd of people in the small room might be affecting her behavior. Perhaps fewer folks in the room or having some sit in in the chairs against the wall. Just to see if that might create a less distracting/confusing environment.
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Thank you. 🙂
Agreed, Wendy
Mike Prasse
Mike Prasse
Not sure where this Recall exercise fits into BAT. Dont remember reading about it in the 2.0 book?
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Good morning all
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Apparently I cannot chat and watch live at the same time, will try again
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Mike , my guess is relationship building , training for recall that might be used in a set up, and to get her moving
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
Jill I can see your comments. Good morning 😉
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Thanks for responding 🙂
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Dayna and Laura are finally here!
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Good morning all!
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
all training is thinking on the fly
Totally, Jennie!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Hi Dayna and Laura – what’s it like watching yourselves!?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Haha kind of cool!
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
My favorite part of watching is hearing how the plans change on the fly, and what is seen to advise those changes.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
That’s why it is anything but boring…
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Brian we are used to making changes all the time at the shelter, you can have plans for these dogs that you need to toss out the window quickly
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Fantastic facility you have there Dayna
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Wow thank you! We are very proud of all the improvements we’ve been able to make over the last few years.- Dayna
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
We have a great place for BAT set ups – if anyone is ever in PA come visit and practice!- Dayna
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Good morning everyone
Hi Dennis!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
How far away did you start with the helper dog? I couldn’t quite see on the raw session.
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Hi Grisha, I am a littel late. We just upgraded our internet..
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
OK, thank you.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Def at least 100 feet, maybe closer to 150 – Laura
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Thanks Laura.
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
testing – having internet issues 🙁
Hi Victoria
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
And as you can see there were lots of visual breaks too – Laura
Refreshing the browser can help
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Would you always start with the helper dog still or moving?
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Why do you make that choice to start with helper dog moving away? to create less pressure?
Do we know any history on the shelter dog? And how long the dog has been in the shelter?
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
I try lateral or moving away so yes to avoid frontal pressure
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
I imagine a helper dog moving away is also less likely to have the 2 dogs look at each other – which seems more triggering to many dogs…???
Seeing a moving away dog butt tends to be the least confrontational for the client dog.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Let me pull up info on Sophie- one sec- Dayna!
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
TY everyone!
Dayna we can see your name when you type
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Sophie came from the Animal Care& Control Team in Philadelphia- a shelter that takes in 17,000 animals a year and has about an 80% life release rate
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Sophie came to us on 11/23/19. She was adopted briefly but growled at a child in the home so they quickly returned her.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
What was the child doing, do you know?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Sophie came to ACCT as a stray in early November
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Being a regular kid and waived a toy towards her while making some giggles/screams
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
As you saw earlier she’s got a little nervous tendency, we didn’t really see that before she got adopted. We’ve seen it a few times since she’s come back.
Halla Brandt Clausen
Halla Brandt Clausen
The team praised Sophie very much when she disengaged on her own. What’s your thoughts on that?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Familiar story – we adopted my second dog after fostering him and when he got to his ninth rehome and return! He is highly dog reactive and we have just started BAT with him.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
one comment,Stevie loosened the leash by walking towards the neutral dog. Ideally she would loosen it with her hands
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Knowing when to wait vs. move away is based on such subtle signals, and how well we know the dog. I’d like to hear your thoughts re: the ramifications of getting a ‘reaction’. If it sets us back, or if not that big of a deal.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
I should probaly have waited
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
I waited much longer today than I had been. He looked for quite a while, then sat down, then turned away. Need to make sure I give him enough time…
That’s a great comment, Dayna. Which means my coaching should be clearer on how to loosen the leash
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
me too, Brian
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
LOL credit goes to laura for that comment!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
shes not we will tell her later 🙂
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
I just want to say, congrats on Stevie for being the handler knowing hundreds of people are analyzing every tiny movement you make 🙂 and, at the same time, what a fantastic opportunity you have! We are all benefiting from your bravery 😉
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Great comment and insight Vanesa!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
I will make sure to tell her that- it is daunting! That’s so nice! – D
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
yes, Vanessa, so hard to remember to present it that way in the moment. Trying to get better on this with clients!
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Yes, good job Stevie, I am a beginner as well so thanks for stepping up
Shelly Wood
Shelly Wood
Yes! Thank you so much to this team for being brave and letting us all learn with you!
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
This is a win win for this dog and these teams..
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Love that.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Our pleasure:-) L
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Key to this whole series, for me, is to gain coaching skills to direct the humans without saying “no no no”. haha
Sophie is doing a LOT of sniffing throughout the session. I know the area has been enriched. Wondering if some of this might be displacement behavior?
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Grisha, what would the affect of going over threshold accidentally during the set up have on the set up? Would you end it or start over?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Take a look at TAGteach Brian…
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
thank you Stephen, I will.
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Stevie is doing and amazing job, these skills do not happen overnight or even in a full night 🙂
Gwen Courbé
Gwen Courbé
Same comment as Caryl Rose
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
I think Im missing something – so was it the social pressure to the right side of Sophie that pushed her back to the left?
Gwen Courbé
Gwen Courbé
Hi I’ve just joined the chat, can you read me ?
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
hi Gwen, welcome!
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
Yes Guen 🙂
Gwen Courbé
Gwen Courbé
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Jill , I move away , give the dog a break and I gauge whether it is worthy of trying again. It really is dog dependent .
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
thanks Jennie
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
ok Thank I thought the helper dog was ahead on the left behind the tree
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Since we cant see the helper dog on screen could you let us know where it is? TIA
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
victoria -on the other side of the fence that we see- I think lol
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
It really did !!
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Heck, if there was nothing to nit pick, we wouldn’t be learning nearly as much. haha
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
🙂 L
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
What is the best way to explain this to a client so they dont think your just walking around taking their money.
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
I.m relly amazed at how well this dog is doing on the leash, did they work on her leash skills prior to the sessions?
what did that mean to stay on the away side?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Dennis like Grisha said, no we didn’t practice!
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
She did great Dayna as you all did.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
because we enriched the environment, she took her time sniffing. Laura
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Sophie was born to BAT – D
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
yes she was Dayna..
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Can we talk a bit about how much / how to enrich the environment a bit more?
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Dayna…really encouraging to see her more interested in sniffing.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
She’s been in this space a few times so it’s not exactly new and exciting to her, I was so impressed with all her sniffs -D
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Grisha in the hood HAHA
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
I have placed out the helpers coat
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
cat pee 🙂
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
is it a balance of enriching, but not too enriching?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
we have both in plenty here Jennie- great ideas – D
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
I use finely grated parmesian cheese, our dog hair, pee rags froom or puppy classes
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
I remember my own lexi – she was a working dog -focus on me and I needed to teach her to look around . So agian dog dependent on the amt of enrichment
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
TY Jennie, good point
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Thank you. Very informative discussion re: enrichment. That helped me a lot.
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
anyone else just lose video?
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
I did, but refreshed the page a few times and it worked
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Yes, it froze, so had to refresh
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
yes Jill, I had to refresh
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
I did, refreshed and it came back
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Same here, refreshed.
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Good job!
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
ok I’m back on thanks!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
haha marissa appreciated that toy break more than sophie I think!- D
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
Thanks for that last comment Grisha! This session is awesome! I am learning a lot
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
What is the collar high up on Sophie’s neck–looks like there’s a disc on it and it’s in addition to her regular collar? I don’t remember seeing it last week.
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
I am really enjoying this session.
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
beautiful session
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
awesome today! I am so excited about being able to see this – thank you
Shelly Wood
Shelly Wood
This is fantastic! I’m learning a lot and seeing that I have a lot more to learn too!
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
My aha moment today…adjustment isn’t just for dog. Great teamwork, good response to coaching and all with Sophie’s best interest in mind. Well done!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Would you always start with the subject dog in the area and then bring the helper in?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Good question Sara- that disc is an add on, it has calming scents on it.
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Thank you. So many ‘professional’ videos edit out all the mistakes. I’m a big believer that we learn much more from seeing ‘learning opportunities’ and actively discussing them.
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
Thanks Dayna! Great session 🙂
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
for sure Brian for sure
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Brian J Sweet you are so right about editing out those learning moments.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Good to know about the student dog walking away first. I often do it the other way so the student dog sees the other dog leave
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Love your comment, Wendy Dahl
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
totally agree Brian! Laura
Gwen Courbé
Gwen Courbé
My question: when the helper stops because Sophie has stopped and is looking in the direction of the decoy, I’ve noticed that the helpers body orientation and shoulders are facing the helper dog… what’s your opinion on that ? the advice I usually give is body orientation should
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
So Sophie started at 150 ft, about how close did she end up?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
about 50 feet
Gwen Courbé
Gwen Courbé
*** be away from helper
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Brand is Calm Paws Calming Disc Dog Collar attachment
Gwen Courbé
Gwen Courbé
sorry I’m using worn word here, when I say helper I mean handler oooops
Gwen Courbé
Gwen Courbé
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
50 ft Dayna – guess she wouldn’t have got that close before. Well done Sophie and the team!!
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Lost you guys, says live stream offline?
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
Hello, somehow it seems I don’t get audio?
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
still here, I have video and audio. Try to refresh maybe
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Absolutely Stephen- she is usually fixated at the very least, lunging and barking at worst, at that distance. HUGE day for Sophie!
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
ah now it works 🙂
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
thx 🙂
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
refreshed again and its better
Gwen Courbé
Gwen Courbé
Thanks Grisha for that answer
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
So I have a question- How do you implement this (BAT) in real life? Because a lot of the trainings success it seems hinges on management of the environment, but in ‘real life’ you cannot really do that.
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
My reality is that people will let their dogs run up to leashed dogs- they even come over large distances like half a soccer field- nothing you can do. And if you try to escape into the woods the hunters dog will folloow you (without his owner)
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
To support Grisha’s comment, handlers and instructors are not invisible so be mindful of your movement and positions, too, even when in break mode 🙂
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
thank you I will look the management up 😉
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Tanja Grisha talks about this more in this interview
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
TY Jennie helpful!
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
thx Jennie 🙂
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Thank you, Grisha!
Mike Prasse
Mike Prasse
When do we know to move from Set Ups to Real Life?
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
About how long would a set up be for a dog/handler just learning BAT?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Exhausted!! -D
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
and humans too Dayna 🙂
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
she was pretty calm the rest of the day L
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
I think I just heard Grisha say she is capturing chat comments ? so we don’t hjave to copy and paste?
correct, lee. Never hurts to do it yourself though 🙂
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
I love how everyone is so relaxed and happy and Sophie is just soaking ecerything in 🙂
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Excellent tip, Laura!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Love the Helper Dog’s behavior, too!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
anyone getting me in chat?
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
yes we read you Jill
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Yes Jill
Gwen Courbé
Gwen Courbé
@Jill yes
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Helper dog is cutie Silas:
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Hi Jill! Yes, and “it depends on the dog” but a good mantra is “less is more” when it comes to time spent in the Set-Up
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
🙂 thanks
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Thanks, Ellen. Always a great reminder for me.
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
A good tell when the Student Dog is done might be if the dog continues to move away.
Barbara Brabant
Barbara Brabant
This seems like a really long session for this dog. How long to your sessions typically last? Always ending on a good note.
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Next session – rinse repeat 🙂
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Thanks Grisha and everyone else here!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Bye all- thanks for all the support! Dayna & Laura 🙂
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
I’d like to see more focus on handler body position next time, as leash handling improves.
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Thanks Grisha! See you next week.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Thank you so much!
Joanne Heywood
Joanne Heywood
Thanks so much.
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
bye everyone . <3
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
Bye 🙂
Gwen Courbé
Gwen Courbé
Thanks ! see you next week
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Nice Grisha!
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
This was awesome! Thanks everyone for your great questions and feedback!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Thank you!
Thank you!

PS the Mike Shikashio course is at