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Chat Transcript:
If it doesn’t say who typed the comment, then it was me (Grisha). I posted the first comment
Good morning!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Hi Grisha – last session 🙁
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
a bit of a hum, but no echo
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
loud and clear
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Good morning
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Good morning!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Hey Jill! Can’t wait to see you in NJ in late April
Dana Funk
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Can we get Sophie updates afterwards?
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
I have a question about BAT walks, my little terrier loves them and is doing really great, but the freedom part has led to a lot of chasing little lizards and bugs (they’re everywhere in FL), is that something that I should be doing a slide or mime pulling on, or is it ok to allo
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Yes I am super excited about it! I am thinking of signing my daughter up as well, she is also a trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
OH? Yes! Our course is designed for teams to work together so that might be extra cool if with your daughter
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
What are your favorite impulse control games to play at home which can translate to helping in a BAT session?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Laura is echoing
Laura audio not working well – echo
Dana Funk
wifi vs 3G
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Grisha might comment, but my two cents on chasing the lizards, etc., yes, a slide is super helpful and a mime pull if they’re super focused. You could also add a cue like “with me” and train that with marker/food so he knows it’s time to move along with you. hang on, it won’t let
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Appreciate it varies greatly from one dog to another, but do you have stats on number of sessions vs progress? Would you just keep going say after 10 or more?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Big question for you is “when does he do it” IF the chasing is happening as a displacement behavior, then that’s information that the environ might be too hard and chasing lizards makes it easier to be there, so think about that.
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
See if there’s a pattern chasing the lizards. We can also talk PM about it so I don’t take up all this chat room lol
Dana Funk
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
That’s better!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Hi Stephen, until Grisha can comment, you are right, “depends on the dog” but all BAT Dogs will always benefit from BAT anytime they are on a lead; it just never stops as a way of life.
Dana Funk
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Ellen – thanks. What I meant was if you are doing formal sessions, would you just keep on with them until target distance reached?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Re # of Set-Ups, always hard to give a solid number on that. We look at a reduction of behavior, and patterns meaning after a while doing BAT, one will be able to read the dog’s behavior and the try to align that with the owners’ agenda lol
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Stephan, argggg! I hit a button and lost my response. We can PM if you’d like since the class is starting. I do have more info for you. 🙂
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Ellen – understood, thank you. So may take many more than 10 say and sometimes there will be setbacks. I will pick this up on Friday so i am not distracting people!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Why is it called box breathing?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Will be on Messenger afterwards Ellen…
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Stephen, we’ll chat further!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
does she know that cue?
7:31 AM
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Love your idea of the “all done cue.” After this exercise would it be a good time to do it?
7:37 AM
can you still hear?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Good! I like the distance in which to start and just mark from there
7:45 AM
Dani Office
Dani Office
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Nice, Laura! Yes I totally think that’s a lot of Sophie’s human interaction is to just check-in vs hang out. Which for BAT Set-Ups (vs M&M) is what we should see – checking in and back to moving about
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
not really vs M&M, I miswrote that. But less human directed
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
There is something moving in the breeze on the table there…
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Have the humans move further away
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Can they go further back instead of standing closer to the fence line?
8:00 AM
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
8:07 AM
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
thank you
8:12 AM
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
What are your high value treats?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Dana’s leash skills have really blossomed
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Yes and but it was less!
8:22 AM
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
I would def take a break in the car and see what she’s doing in there. I have a feeling she’s done
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
I agree that we saw a reduction in arousal even in a variety of contexts, an increase in check-ins, a reduction in the time it took for her to re engage with the eviron
8:30 AM
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Brilliant team, thank you!
Jacqueline Moreno
Jacqueline Moreno
Yes! Deepest thanks to Team & New guardians
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
For the team: what did you learn about Sophie that you didn’t know before the course?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Recognizing environments and body language, too!
8:40 AM
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Yes, Dana… the fact that you guys stepped onto a stage like this is incredible.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
It has been fantastci. We will really miss you guys!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Need Sophie updates…
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Thank you to all of you at the shelter for participating, I have really learned a lot!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
And if any shelter folks would like to attend an upcoming BAT Cert Course, please contact me and we can work something out
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Good work, team!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Bye everyone!
Dana Funk
Thanks everyone!
Also don’t forget Michael’s course starts tomorrow: http://grishastewart.com/aggression2020