(3.5) Pause to Practice

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  1. How is your habit change going? Take an honest look at whether you’re keeping up with the plan to change a habit that you made in the first week.
    If not, see if a. the problem is that there are reminders to do the old habit that haven’t been changed to cue the new habit, b. you need a more immediate reinforcement for doing the new habit, and/or c. the new habit does not actually meet the craving of the hold habit. Change something to set yourself up for success. Post in our How to Human Facebook group if you need help with your plan.
  2. Habit audit. Do your habits match your values and needs more than they did in week 1? If not, are there some habits you might consider changing now?
  3. Build a habit of gratitude. From the section on Gratitude, find one of the options that works best for you, and start doing it.
  4. Notice real-world examples of the Negativity Bias, Fundamental Attribution Error, and Cognitive Dissonance. Best case is catching that in yourself, but noticing in others is fair game, too. If you have time, post one of your observations in our Facebook group.
  5. BONUS: To quickly learn more about some other “fun” brain glitches and how to overcome them, check out this TED article by Joan Rosenberg: “5 irrational thinking patterns that could be dragging you down — and how to start challenging them.” She explores all-or-nothing thinking, overgeneralization, taking things personally / taking excessive responsibility, and should statements. It’s definitely worth a read!
