Technical Aspects of BAT Article in the Association of Pet Dog Trainers Chronicle

cover-2014-summerWant to know why BAT works in a more technical way?

Check out the second half of the BAT article that appeared in the Summer issue of the APDT Chronicle of the Dog. Click to read the article as a PDF. To learn about the APDT Chronicle or to access the full issue if you are a member, click here.

p.s. If you love this technical dog stuff, check out the BAT for Geeks streaming webinar, available for download now through our online store.

Check out the video below to see how BAT is done:

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How Do I Learn More? This site has several resources. The new BAT 2.0 book, full length videos, and/or online courses are very useful, or you can work with a Certified BAT Instructor (CBATI) – many also do training sessions via video chat. I also teach live and recorded seminars and we ship fabulous custom-made long leashes worldwide.