Category: Bonus Material

Chat Transcript for Review Session 5

Click here for the video.
Note that if it doesn’t say who typed, then that’s me (Grisha).

Good morning, see you all soon!
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Good morning!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Hi Grisha and everyone!
Good morning Teress and Stephen πŸ™‚
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
Valentine’s Day BAT, how perfect!
Happy Valentines Day all!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Hi! I can only stay on until 10:45 today. Happy Valentines Day everyone!
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Looking forward to today’s action and lessons with Team Sophie.
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
I am enjoying these “lovely” videos on this Valentines Day.
Thanks for coming Dayna
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Grisha, what is the name of the song that is playing now?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Can’t hear a song…
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Ah, unmuting helps!
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
good morning!
Laura Glaser Harrington
Good morning
Laura Glaser Harrington
it’s Laura
Good fmorning
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
hearts to all
Jacqueline Moreno
Jacqueline Moreno
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
UK dates soon?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
hello! Please hold the dates of 9/16-9/20 (five days) for UK Cert Course
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Where Ellen?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
hang on… I have to look at spelling of city lol
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
If the dog is moving very fast but not directly at the trigger, would you still continue?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
good morning all
good morning!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Hi Barbara
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Stephen: Godmanchester
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Thanks Ellen. About 200 miles from me. Hadn’t appreciated it was a 5-day course…
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Lots of hands on and material to cover. πŸ™‚
Good morning!
Laura Glaser Harrington
having the team on the other side of the dog, away from the trigger, was a good suggestion
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Weds to Sun I think that is Ellen. May be difficult to get the weekdays. Cost?
Laura Glaser Harrington
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Sophie is doing a great job of providing ‘learning opportunities’ for the rest of us. πŸ™‚
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Is she physically okay? Is her poop soft? Or is the ‘zooming’ learned behavior? Or does it only occur in more stressful situations with her?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
a challenging dog gives us lots of important information
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Those fast moving dogs often benefit from “tapping the breaks” concept – as the lead goes out, pressure – release – pressure – release vs a full stop
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Anti-lock braking!!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Agree, Grisha! Sophie is def getting more responsive
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Suzanne her stool is good,no issues physically.
Laura Glaser Harrington
sort of like half halts for horse people?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
a lot less time this session for Sophie choosing sniffing vs moving. Has this area been sniffed out for Sophie or might need more sniff spots.
Laura Glaser Harrington
what if you gave poop zoomie dogs a treat, tossed on the ground, right after the poop? If they come to expect that they may not zoom as much?
So like tapping the brakes but not jerking into reverse?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
If it’s not zooming, but straight line not to trigger, is that OK?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Do all of you usually do BAT silently, or can voice be used to add benefit?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Fast that should say
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Humans may practice leash skills with zoomies by tying the leash to a rolling chair and kicking it out. πŸ™‚
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Then stopping the chair from rolling away too far
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Would be great if dogpeople could work with horses as well; a lot of the BAT-energy and -work is so great to feel/do with horses. It is so nice, since they are very sensitive f.e. for body language, energy, soft hands etc. :-).
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Doing clicker training with a horse Suzanne, so could try BAT too
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Horses are often scared of what may seem like “trivial” things like plastic bags or anything on the ground…
beverly kramer
beverly kramer
Bend at the knees seems to be a direction people have a difficult idea for many. TAG of “seat to heels” might work in visualizing a picture of what your body should look like.
Laura Glaser Harrington
squatting down is hard because she plows into you
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Have you got a brighter colour for the pointer Grisha?
Laura Glaser Harrington
movement of the other dog I think makes it harder for Sophie. So when she looks, and then dog moves away she got more excited
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
I think for a dog like Sophie, that two-second guide is a good one, as well.
Laura Glaser Harrington
It was nice she checked in with Dayna before focusing on dog again
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
and not stepping forward might help
7:42 AM
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Do you always slide with both hands or just one to start with?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
I need to pop off everyone- have a great and see you next week!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Makes sense, thanks!
Laura Glaser Harrington
bye Dayna
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
I appreciate you too Grisha!! Bye!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Thanks Dayna!
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
As I understand it you see the zooming as something that Sophie just is. I mean, it is not something you would read as that the situation in this field is (a bit) too difficult at the moment for her?
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Ah, okay! πŸ™‚
Laura Glaser Harrington
Laura Glaser Harrington
I think trigger moving is making it more difficult. If Stevie and dog were sitting it might be easy
Laura Glaser Harrington
beverly kramer
beverly kramer
At one point you read the zooming as benign and then towards the end it appeared as though you changed your mind and wanted to get the zooming under control. What changed your mind?
Laura Glaser Harrington
Say that again please….zig zagging note
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
redirect attention with the zig zag will offer her a break from the environment and energy she is feeling
Laura Glaser Harrington
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Hi Beverly, Grisha will comment, but I would say that the zooming increased: became more repetitive and faster so reducing her arousal level as presented in zoomies I think made sense
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
As well as the fast movement not directly at the trigger, is vocalising at the same time necessarily an issue or would you tend to stop if that happens?
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Is there a difference, in your mind, between ‘playfulness’ and ‘excitement’? Calm & unconcerned seems to be the goal, but a happy playful dog is also ‘unconcerned’…??
Laura Glaser Harrington
what if we flipped the setup? Helper is in place in the bigger part of the field, closer field to the building is enriched. So she comes out, dog in background already
Laura Glaser Harrington
Good idea
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
I like the nosework play as it always presents with calming energy from what I’ve seen. Sniffing focuses the brain.
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Exiting about Rise van Fleewt
yes! I’m excited too
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Glad to see some Sophie time…with all helpers sitting down and letting her do her thing.
Laura Glaser Harrington
8:06 AM
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Loved the “happy” dog face on top of the table with her fan club. “This is more like it!”
Laura Glaser Harrington
when we put boxes out in the field, do we want to have some boxes with a treat, some upside with a tennis ball, some with toilet paper roll. Variety
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
I saw several situations where Sophie engaged with people, and the person’s interaction back was also high energy and playful. Might there have been an opportunity to model a calmer energy level (resting hand on her vs vigorous petting, offer treats slowly, etc.) to help Sophie?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
What will they do with Sophie after next week to continue the process?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Stephen asked about vocalizing at the same time as zoomies even if away from trigger. I would suggesting stopping, for sure, because the arousal level is high with that combo of behavior.
Laura Glaser Harrington
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Thanks Ellen.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
What’s the Barking Mad Grisha?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Using items in the boxes that cause arousal for Sophie, i.e. the ball may increase arousal?

Barking Mad: BAT and Other Techniques for Frustration

Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Love seeing how quickly Sophie & Simon are building their relationship.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Thank you – interesting link name!
yes I’d rather use things that go away quickly, like treats
Laura Glaser Harrington
I agree Barbara, but I was thinking a tennis ball would be a fun find, but it’s not tossed. Giving variety may keep it more interesting for Sophie
And I’d like to watch through the videos again and see what actually happens to her arousal when a ball is found
Laura Glaser Harrington
right, then she may just hold onto the ball
Because affect is important, not just arousal level. And she likes tennis balls.
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Agree with Brian about petting energy, but also think if they kept petting shorter, 5 second then stop to see if she wants more may help too.
Laura Glaser Harrington
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Brian, yes! I think establishing a relationship with this couple, decompressing in their home, finding outlets for arousal that allow her to have fun – a little routine that doesn’t involve a routine of “what’s next” – will make a huge difference; like with any dog, right? πŸ™‚
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
carrrying a ball can be soothing too
Jacqueline Moreno
Jacqueline Moreno
the team rocks!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
On the UK course, where can I find the price?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
well done team
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
I saw several situations where Sophie engaged with people, and the person’s interaction back was also high energy and playful. Might there have been an opportunity to model a calmer energy level (resting hand on her vs vigorous petting, offer treats slowly, etc.) to help Sophie?
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Does it work for Emma and Simon to manage her encounters with dogs at home?
Laura Glaser Harrington
Thanks Jacqueline:)
Laura Glaser Harrington
I’ve offered a complimentary session in the home
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Great suggestions re decompressing.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Nice Laura!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Yes, Jacqueline!
Laura Glaser Harrington
Thanks Stephen!
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
That’s great Laura.
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Thank you.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Ellen/Grisha – UK course booking?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
HI Stephen! FB PM me – we are working on the detials
Thanks all! fascinating
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Thank you all! πŸ˜€
Registration should be on – now or soon
Michael’s class (not BAT, should be good contrast):
Barbara Sperling
Looking forward to Michael’s class.
me too!
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
O btw Stephen, I did CT with horses too. πŸ™‚ Soo nice isnt it.

Chat Transcript for Review Session 4

Click here for the video.
Note that if it doesn’t say who typed, then that’s me (Grisha).

HI everybody!
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Good morning!
Thanks for your patience
How does it sound? LMK if you can hear me and if you can hear the video
the video I’ll be playing
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Sounds good to me!
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
I see video
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
I hear you Grisha
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
I see you too
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
good morning , yes I can hear you
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
and see you
Dana Funk
Good morning!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Laura Glaser Harrington
good morning! Hi Dana Funk
Laura Glaser Harrington
Hi Dayna V
Dana Funk
Hey there Laura!!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Hi Grisha and All!
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Good morning from soggy Pacific NW.
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Good moring everyone! Victoria from Washington State – and yes its R A I N I N G!
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Right Wendy? It can stop anytime..
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Looking forward to spring frog music.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
We are getting your horrible weather on Sunday here in the UK – thank you!
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
lol you can keep it!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
We can’t send it back unfortunately…
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
it’s all good
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Yes we are!
Laura Glaser Harrington
all ears:)
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
Dana Funk
Still here!
HI Grisha, hi everyone. πŸ™‚
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
my thought exactly,
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Yes, noticed that about Simon…
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Good morning all
Hi Lee, hi everybody!
Laura Glaser Harrington
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Simon has a thick accent so it could be too that he doesn’t under everything if english isn’t his first language
Laura Glaser Harrington
I may loose power though soon
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Just a thought, total speculation
ah thank you Dayna!
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
it keeps repeating – is it doing this for everyone or just me?
He seems to respond ok
maybe refresh your browser?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
try reloading, sound is fine here
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Victoria…I just refresh when that happens.
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
I think he’s doing fine. Just scanning a new environment at the beginning but totally focused on you
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
It does that quite often Victoria and refreshing works
Good observation, Barbara
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Pilates squats
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Crouching right down is much easier anyway, although getting up again might be more of a challenge!
Laura Glaser Harrington
what would you suggest for older clients who might find crouching challenging?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
You also want to be at an angle when you do it, no directly head on to the dog for example.
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
What do you do if you are working with a dog that likes to get in your face and you wear glasses?!
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
if someone has a squat challenge would it be better to turn your body sideways to the dog so your not bending over it?;
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Using the lead as your support during the knee bend will make it taut
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
thanks! ;P
Laura Glaser Harrington
we’re not using the leash for support, just softening knees
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
I just thought that this setup would be a great way to strengthen the bent knees keeping it body oriented.
Laura Glaser Harrington
We’re explaining importance of exercise to Sophie’s caregivers (Laura)
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Having one knee on the ground can be easier if you find it difficult to squat.
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
still thinking about the knees and squatting, I think in my experience when I lower my body, especially as low as squatting, it often induces the dog to come towards me, or into my space…
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
ok, thanks I see the point now – softening
Now that I’m off Safari, I can comment! It was such a lovely session πŸ™‚
yes πŸ™‚ thanks for asking for clarification
yay! Thanks Caryl-Rose. It felt much better.
Laura Glaser Harrington
can’t hear you talking now
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Just typing…
Shelly Wood
Shelly Wood
Same here
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
no audio
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
are we hearing Laura typing
Laura Glaser Harrington
not me (L)
all good now?
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
ha ha
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
OK now
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
Yes, good
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Shelly Wood
Shelly Wood
Yep – all good now
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
typing only
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
I may need to change a setting on my computer for screen ratio to be able to watch and type at the same time
Laura Glaser Harrington
Team isn’t randomly texting, setting phones to hear Grisha
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
thank you
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Did you see signs of frustration from Sophie in the last session (in relation to the helper dog)?
Laura Glaser Harrington
to hear you (L)
Laura Glaser Harrington
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
sitting back into it like Laura did
In urban areas, I suggest the standing on moving bus or subway stance and demo it. I also talk about putting your weight on your back foot and using your front foot for balance rather than main weight bearing.
Laura Glaser Harrington
The freeze exercise was very helpful (L)
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
Stevie’s always such a delightfully happy dog LOL
Laura Glaser Harrington
love Stevie’s happy prance (L)
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
what about anchoring hands at center of body mass, while still maintainig a braking distance?
yes definitely helpful lee
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Yes, thats what I do if I have a dog that lunges
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Do you always let de slide preceed a slow stop? I have trained myself to do slow-stops on my walks without the sliding part. I do do those when I start walking again (when necesary).
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Does “elbows in ” work?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Are Emma and Simon working on these practice positions indoors with input from Laura before hands on work?
Laura Glaser Harrington
They have my contact info and I’ve let them know they can reach out anytime (L)
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
They could practice taking it in turns as handler and dog with all those exercises.
Laura Glaser Harrington
it was about the same temperature as last week, but no shivering this time
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
At home I mean
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
The group is doing a great job at handling the leash. poopy zoomies!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
You or the dog Laura?
Laura Glaser Harrington
Dayna did a great job! (L)
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
What do you do if the dog just sits (or lies down), not attempting to move to the helper dog, but maybe looking at it?
yes she did!
Laura Glaser Harrington
it’s also a different neutral dog each time (L)
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Question: would each new enviroment or change of handler be a potential start over with distance?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
that was beautiful
Beautiful BAT moments!
Laura Glaser Harrington
πŸ™‚ CR
Laura Glaser Harrington
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
I love when you get those SUCCESS moments!!! πŸ˜‰ It
That sequence might be good to review with owners so they understand and share the excitement.
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
It’s good to know they have access to this
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
O great that you mention about petting when Sophie jumped on her owner. Is that something you do more often. I mean, tel me more! πŸ™‚ I just visited a Doberman with the same behavoir and the need to be petted we felt. But I was confused: she also came so very much in pers. space
Laura Glaser Harrington
that’s a mat that neutral dog laid on (L)
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
balance – it may help to visualize the weight on the back foot and the front foot is the door stop or brace.
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
If sniffing becomes manic – we guide away?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
would you advise to do slow stops when Sophie picks up speed towards a target even if it
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
it’s the toy bin or blind.
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
is there a sweet spot with sniffing new areas – and coyote poo and other wildlifey things – I am having a little trouble figuring out when she becomes manic vs normal behavior. Manic sniffing can be overt but then sometimes not so much. Does that make any sense?
Laura Glaser Harrington
Sophie uses sniffing as a strategy to get closer to the neutral, then she starts to hurry (L)
Laura Glaser Harrington
neutral dog
Laura Glaser Harrington
great idea having one of the caregivers give the peanut butter in safe place (L)
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
thank you
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
What signs do you look for in terms of frustration (versus fear for example)?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Was the video jumping during recording or is it just me?
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Can you describe a situation where ‘dragging the dog away’ may be the least aversive option?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
might be me, we are having an ice storm
Laura Glaser Harrington
video is choppy for me too Barbara (L)
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
In future, they may be able to connect Skype via 4G vs WiFi so signal strength is more consistent…??
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Dayna does a great emergency away with treat under nose and turning back and towards her.
she does! Dayna does an excellent job of management
I think it was 4G but I will make sure. It’s wifi inside and maybe we need to make sure it switches over to phone signal. Thanks Brian
Laura Glaser Harrington
we did scatter hotdog and cheese in the middle part (L)
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Could you explain a little why you would decide to let the owner pet her (when Sophie jumped on him).
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
I noticed Dayna only used half the length of the long line. Is there an opportunity to reduce the number of tight leash moments more?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
It was wonderful to see her beeline to Simon for connection and a break.
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
And when is the time right tot stop throwing extra food in the grass?
will do!
Laura Glaser Harrington
cant hear now
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
I lost the feed for a few seconds, so don’t know if you saw my question about what to do if the dog just sits, maybe looking at the helper dog, but showing no signs of moving towards?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
you a little box on screen and no sound
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
refresh didn’t fix
Laura Glaser Harrington
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Laura Glaser Harrington
I can hear
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
total out and back in fixed it
Laura Glaser Harrington
duly noted
Dana Funk
Yes, great session. Good to see her starting to make good choices.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Great, thanks. They were a loooong way away
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
building the good BAT moments each session
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
missed the point you made that prompted Laura to respond duly noted? sounds like it was important
Laura Glaser Harrington
we didn’t do the move helper away when Sophie looks, I think because Stevie couldn’t see
Laura Glaser Harrington
it’s mutual!
Laura Glaser Harrington
Laura Glaser Harrington
so when Sophie looks, Grisha if you tell Stevie we could do that (L)
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
oh good, thanks for going back over it
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
I had 2 questions. “dragging the dog away’ and ‘using the full length of the long line’
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Good learning session…great teamwork and nice to see Sophie’s people involved.
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
they were up higher on the chat
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Can you describe a situation where ‘dragging the dog away’ may be the least aversive option?
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
I noticed Dayna only used half the length of the long line. Is there an opportunity to reduce the number of tight leash moments more?
Laura Glaser Harrington
Thanks Wendy! (L)
Laura Glaser Harrington
You’re welcome:-)
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
This was a great session, so much positive learning going on for all of us
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
I get a real feeling of teamwork here between you all and it is inspiring.
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Got it. Thanks.
Laura Glaser Harrington
Thanks Lee (L)
Laura Glaser Harrington
it is!!
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
To Brian’s point – if dog is on the long line and a trigger pops up unexpectedly and dog is super reactive and is not responding?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
teleportation, lol
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Thank you. Real life happens. πŸ™‚
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
so if I can summarize: to remove dog from a situation where they are over their head, and actively reacting? tjhen steadily move them away?
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
Great session! Looking forward to next week’s!
Laura Glaser Harrington
I think Vada was adopted (L)
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Thanks Grisha!
Laura Glaser Harrington
Thanks Grisha! (L)
Dana Funk
Thanks team! Thanks Grisha. Great information.
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Thanks all
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Yes Vada got adopted the minute our session was over! She had three families waiting for her!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Great session!
Laura Glaser Harrington
Thanks CR!
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
thanks everyone!
Yes our helpers keep getting adopted! Great outome though.
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Thank you. πŸ™‚
Wonderful session
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet

Chat Transcript for Review Session 3

Click here for the video.

Grisha: Welcome! see you at the top of the hour

Jill Wattles: 
Good Morning πŸ™‚
3:50 PM

Dayna Villa
: hi!

Teressa Hill
: Good morning!
Grisha: Good morning
Grisha: Hi Dayna!

Hi Teressa! Hi Jill!
Victoria Gideon: 
Happy Friday! So excited to here Sophie got adopted!

Dayna Villa: 
I know! Such great news!

Happy Friday!

I’m so happy for her.

Stephen Bell
: Hi Everyone! Grisha – I have several questions, should I post them all now?

Sure go ahead. Ask them again if I don’t get to them.

Stephen Bell: 
OK! I will post individually…

Dayna Villa: 
And our first helper, Silas, went into a foster home which will probably lead to an adoption!
Grisha: If it’s helpful for viewing side by side, I have a separate page with comments:

Stephen Bell
: 1. Frequency of sessions – would you do more than one a week if practical and possible and how many would be too many?

A better system is in development

Wendy Dahl: 
Looking forward to today’s review.

Stephen Bell: 
2. Does the BAT 2.0 approach always generalise to other dogs beyond the helpers?

Stephen Bell
: For the frequency, I meant in general, not just in this scenario…
Grisha: you may be sitting for a while, so now is a good time to stretch. Of course you can stretch during the show too!

Stephen Bell
: 3. Is it best to change environments regularly?

Stephen Bell: 
4. Does going over threshold necessarily set the dog back?

Stephen Bell: 
5. Does it matter if the helper and/or dog are well known to the student dog?

Stephen Bell: 
6. Should the helper dog be still or walking back and forth to start with?

Stephen Bell
: That’s my 6 questions for now. Sorry for the bombardment!

Vanesa B Vizuete
: Good morning!!! Buenos dias!!! πŸ™‚
Laura Glaser Harrington
: Hi Grisha
Laura Glaser Harrington: 
: I used my couple of minutes before we start here to sign up for Michael Shikashio’s course!

Stephen Bell
: I am signed up too!
Laura Glaser Harrington: 
Today is the last “early bird” sign up, right?

Teressa Hill
: So happy for Sophie!

I think it is the last early bird day, right!

Brian J. Sweet: 
I can already tell leash handling skills have improved a lot w/ letting leash out more. Good job!

Jill Wattles
anyone else have no audio?

Jill Wattles: 
got it now

Lee Morrow: 
Hi Everyone, very happy for Sophie and Silas! Grisha, you maintain your “zen” so well while out of the country and having tech gremlins!

A bit late. Apologies. Good morning, afternoon, evening from Chiang Mai again. :)

4:13 PM
Laura Glaser Harrington
: sometimes the leash tightens when the human goes for a treat.

Dayna Villa: 

Stephen Bell: 
My q’s are at beginning Grisha
Laura Glaser Harrington
: do you think walking towards her, prompted her to move forward?
Laura Glaser Harrington
: Dayna is really good about her balance

Brian J. Sweet
: do you recommend doing a lot of “let’s go” work when triggers are not present, so it is more engrained and potentially easier to use when in a situation like this?
Laura Glaser Harrington: 
this is my favorite learning moment of this session….allowing the dog to chose how they would like to self soothe, and paying attention to if the dog needs to self soothe, and adjusting setup
Laura Glaser Harrington
: noticing that she didn’t need to self soothe when she was further back

Lee Morrow
: This may not be the right place for this question so ignore if it isn’t. I have been forgetting to follow the link at the end of the sessions to save video to “my video history” is there a way to go back and capture that link? Do I need to rewatch the recording?

Stephen Bell
: Thank you so much for answering all those q’s Grisha – brilliant!!

Brian J. Sweet
: you mention, before, about doing some ‘tight leash conditioning’. Can you talk more about that?

How important do you think it is to keep the helper dog the same each session? Do you feel it’s more important the closer the dogs get to meeting?

Lee Morrow
: What is the average amount of space you look for to be able to do a set-up? Maybe it is dog-dependent?
Laura Glaser Harrington
: Emma took a thundershirt home with her
Laura Glaser Harrington
: yes it is

Lee Morrow
: Ohh! Thanks!
Laura Glaser Harrington
: Sophie

Suzanne Huijs
: Do you mean with ‘friends’ that they can walk together with still a little distance between them, or actually meet physically and smell each other?

Lee Morrow: 
Thanks, I was thinking about trying to identify places in my community where I could start trying to work on/practice set-ups, just practice, not real thing, but learning what to look for. Same as places that are generally recommended for owners of reactive dogs to try walks??

beverly kramer
: You mentioned that this dog has explored the neighborhood on walks. What directives were given on meeting any other dogs on these neighborhood walks?

Dayna Villa
: At the time of adoption they were advised she hasn’t done well meeting too many other dogs so we advised against it. I believe Laura did give her more advice during this session- is that right Laura?
Laura Glaser Harrington
: I talked about the usefulness of “Find It’, practicing in the house then when she sees other dogs, but I wasn’t able to give her a lot of info

Wendy Dahl
: Not sure if you saw my suggestion of creating a quiet space using both xpens in the yard (to create a comfortable place) where Emma could sit with Sophie as Sophie enjoys toys.
Laura Glaser Harrington
: better when I was squatting down rather than leaning over
Laura Glaser Harrington
: we’re hearing you talk and audio at the same time

Jill Wattles
: Why is touching the paws a no-no?
Laura Glaser Harrington: 
I think it also might have been stress zoomies…like she’s telling us she’s had enough
Laura Glaser Harrington
: again walking towards dog while she’s looking at a potential trigger pushes her towards trigger

Suzanne Huijs
: Could it be Caroline has been training a lot wit Sophie while she was in the shelter. I previously also saw great enthousiasm when Caroline entered. She might then be more focused on earning treats, then walking free sniffing? And this might be confusing her as well?
Laura Glaser Harrington
: πŸ™‚
Laura Glaser Harrington
: right there, Carolyn takes a step forward and that makes Sophie rush towards trigger

Stephen Bell
: Would you then hold on the tight leash until she turned after the slow stop?

Stephen Bell: 
If she keeps taking up the slack that is…
Laura Glaser Harrington
: that’s a good point about Sophie expecting that space means play with toys. What about toys causing increase of arousal?

Suzanne Huijs
: Thank you so much, Grisha and everyone there, for also sharing the things that did not work out this time. It is so nice to realise that we all make ‘mistakes’, cause we just do. πŸ™‚ And to learn from for next time. You are teaching me to be more compassionate about mistakes. πŸ™‚
Laura Glaser Harrington: 

Stephen Bell
: This is real life!!
Laura Glaser Harrington: 
you guys are all so nice about our mistakes:-)

Stephen Bell
: We don’t want to see a perfect set-up…

Victoria Gideon-Photography
: I appriciate the flub ups, It helps to see what to do if that happens so thank you πŸ™‚ <3
Laura Glaser Harrington
: not sure if we still have Dayna

Dayna Villa: 
This is where we do playgroups- which she participated in a couple times,mostly without success
Laura Glaser Harrington
: Dayna, how long was she at PAC?

Dayna Villa
: This is where they can run off leash to play so she had a lot of experiences just running off leash in the space with a person playing with her or just watching her

Stephen Bell
: Did she do that with Emma?

Victoria Gideon-Photography
: Are there ways to teach your clients for muscle memory without the dog – sometimes training the client and training the dog can be confusing to the dog I think

Dayna Villa: 
Sophie came in 11/23 and was pretty much there the whole time- with a short stint of getting adopted for a couple days but got returned

Dayna Villa
: Grisha ask your questions again please?
Laura Glaser Harrington
: I agree Victoria

Dayna Villa
: She has no experience in the field we will work in next time, maybe one walk through but likely was never walked there

Stephen Bell
: Dog goes upstairs in the background!
Laura Glaser Harrington
: I walked her there once
Dayna Villa: 
Laura I am sure you were probably the only one

Brian J. Sweet
: Good, the whole topic of ‘introducing a dog to a new space’ will be good.

Great session

Dayna Villa
: Her dad Simon may attend next time too!

Stephen Bell: 
This whole experience is so fantastic Grisah and all!!

Brian J. Sweet
: Thank you.
Laura Glaser Harrington
: Thanks!

Victoria Gideon-Photography
: off topic – any idea what cities BAT CERT will be offered next year :)

Dayna Villa
: hahaha
: Thank you! Great review session!

Stephen Bell
: BAT in the Uk soon I think?

Cindy Ehlers, CPDT-KA
: Thank you!

Dayna Villa
: Bye all!

Vanesa B Vizuete
: Enjoy your vacaciones ;)

Betina Sabinsky
: Thank you, great reviews….

Victoria Gideon-Photography
: Im Voting for WA or OR hint hint

Lee Morrow
: Wyomying and Michigan
Laura Glaser Harrington: 

: THank you

Stephen Bell
: Thank you Grisha!

Victoria Gideon-Photography
: Thank you!!!!

Lee Morrow
: thanks everyone!
Grisha: Thanks everybody!

 Here’s the link for finding a CBATI:

On-Site Cameras (Raw sessions from a different angle)

[s2If current_user_cannot(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]

To view this video, please purchase this course or log in if you have already purchased it.[/s2If]

These are the videos taken by the on-site camera.[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]

These videos usually don’t have much of the audio discussion from the course, but they are often higher resolution and might be an angle that’s helpful to watch. These don’t count toward CEUs.

Session 1:

Session 2:

Session 3:

Not available – was not recorded.

Session 4:

Session 5:

Session 6:


Chat Transcript for Review Session 2

Click here for the video.
Note that if it doesn’t say who typed, then that’s me (Grisha).

6:39 AM
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Good morning!
6:47 AM
Good morning, Teressa!
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
I can hear you Grisha.
Thanks Teressa!
If any of you can’t hear me, be sure that your system volume is on and that the video itself is on, too. There’s a little volume button on the bottom right.
6:59 AM
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Chat is working today!!
Great!, glad to hear that Stephen. Thanks for your emails.
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Good morning!
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
Good morning! I was like… wait! why is the music stopping!!! GRRRR
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
hmmm I could hear until I joined chat -logging out to try again
Thanks Vanessa
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
What training / reading have the shelter folks done before this session?
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Shelter dogs often do not even know their name , was thisan assigned name ?
Now I can comment! Switched away from Safari and that let me join with chat πŸ™‚
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Wondered when watching on Wed if the crowd of people in the small room might be affecting her behavior. Perhaps fewer folks in the room or having some sit in in the chairs against the wall. Just to see if that might create a less distracting/confusing environment.
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Thank you. πŸ™‚
Agreed, Wendy
Mike Prasse
Mike Prasse
Not sure where this Recall exercise fits into BAT. Dont remember reading about it in the 2.0 book?
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Good morning all
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Apparently I cannot chat and watch live at the same time, will try again
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Mike , my guess is relationship building , training for recall that might be used in a set up, and to get her moving
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
Jill I can see your comments. Good morning πŸ˜‰
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Thanks for responding πŸ™‚
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Dayna and Laura are finally here!
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Good morning all!
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
all training is thinking on the fly
Totally, Jennie!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Hi Dayna and Laura – what’s it like watching yourselves!?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Haha kind of cool!
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
My favorite part of watching is hearing how the plans change on the fly, and what is seen to advise those changes.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
That’s why it is anything but boring…
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Brian we are used to making changes all the time at the shelter, you can have plans for these dogs that you need to toss out the window quickly
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Fantastic facility you have there Dayna
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Wow thank you! We are very proud of all the improvements we’ve been able to make over the last few years.- Dayna
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
We have a great place for BAT set ups – if anyone is ever in PA come visit and practice!- Dayna
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Good morning everyone
Hi Dennis!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
How far away did you start with the helper dog? I couldn’t quite see on the raw session.
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Hi Grisha, I am a littel late. We just upgraded our internet..
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
OK, thank you.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Def at least 100 feet, maybe closer to 150 – Laura
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Thanks Laura.
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
testing – having internet issues πŸ™
Hi Victoria
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
And as you can see there were lots of visual breaks too – Laura
Refreshing the browser can help
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Would you always start with the helper dog still or moving?
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Why do you make that choice to start with helper dog moving away? to create less pressure?
Do we know any history on the shelter dog? And how long the dog has been in the shelter?
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
I try lateral or moving away so yes to avoid frontal pressure
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
I imagine a helper dog moving away is also less likely to have the 2 dogs look at each other – which seems more triggering to many dogs…???
Seeing a moving away dog butt tends to be the least confrontational for the client dog.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Let me pull up info on Sophie- one sec- Dayna!
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
TY everyone!
Dayna we can see your name when you type
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Sophie came from the Animal Care& Control Team in Philadelphia- a shelter that takes in 17,000 animals a year and has about an 80% life release rate
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Sophie came to us on 11/23/19. She was adopted briefly but growled at a child in the home so they quickly returned her.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
What was the child doing, do you know?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Sophie came to ACCT as a stray in early November
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Being a regular kid and waived a toy towards her while making some giggles/screams
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
As you saw earlier she’s got a little nervous tendency, we didn’t really see that before she got adopted. We’ve seen it a few times since she’s come back.
Halla Brandt Clausen
Halla Brandt Clausen
The team praised Sophie very much when she disengaged on her own. What’s your thoughts on that?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Familiar story – we adopted my second dog after fostering him and when he got to his ninth rehome and return! He is highly dog reactive and we have just started BAT with him.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
one comment,Stevie loosened the leash by walking towards the neutral dog. Ideally she would loosen it with her hands
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Knowing when to wait vs. move away is based on such subtle signals, and how well we know the dog. I’d like to hear your thoughts re: the ramifications of getting a ‘reaction’. If it sets us back, or if not that big of a deal.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
I should probaly have waited
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
I waited much longer today than I had been. He looked for quite a while, then sat down, then turned away. Need to make sure I give him enough time…
That’s a great comment, Dayna. Which means my coaching should be clearer on how to loosen the leash
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
me too, Brian
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
LOL credit goes to laura for that comment!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
shes not we will tell her later πŸ™‚
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
I just want to say, congrats on Stevie for being the handler knowing hundreds of people are analyzing every tiny movement you make πŸ™‚ and, at the same time, what a fantastic opportunity you have! We are all benefiting from your bravery πŸ˜‰
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Great comment and insight Vanesa!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
I will make sure to tell her that- it is daunting! That’s so nice! – D
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
yes, Vanessa, so hard to remember to present it that way in the moment. Trying to get better on this with clients!
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Yes, good job Stevie, I am a beginner as well so thanks for stepping up
Shelly Wood
Shelly Wood
Yes! Thank you so much to this team for being brave and letting us all learn with you!
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
This is a win win for this dog and these teams..
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Love that.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Our pleasure:-) L
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Key to this whole series, for me, is to gain coaching skills to direct the humans without saying “no no no”. haha
Sophie is doing a LOT of sniffing throughout the session. I know the area has been enriched. Wondering if some of this might be displacement behavior?
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Grisha, what would the affect of going over threshold accidentally during the set up have on the set up? Would you end it or start over?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Take a look at TAGteach Brian…
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
thank you Stephen, I will.
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Stevie is doing and amazing job, these skills do not happen overnight or even in a full night πŸ™‚
Gwen CourbΓ©
Gwen CourbΓ©
Same comment as Caryl Rose
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
I think Im missing something – so was it the social pressure to the right side of Sophie that pushed her back to the left?
Gwen CourbΓ©
Gwen CourbΓ©
Hi I’ve just joined the chat, can you read me ?
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
hi Gwen, welcome!
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
Yes Guen πŸ™‚
Gwen CourbΓ©
Gwen CourbΓ©
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Jill , I move away , give the dog a break and I gauge whether it is worthy of trying again. It really is dog dependent .
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
thanks Jennie
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
ok Thank I thought the helper dog was ahead on the left behind the tree
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Since we cant see the helper dog on screen could you let us know where it is? TIA
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
victoria -on the other side of the fence that we see- I think lol
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
It really did !!
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Heck, if there was nothing to nit pick, we wouldn’t be learning nearly as much. haha
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
πŸ™‚ L
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
What is the best way to explain this to a client so they dont think your just walking around taking their money.
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
I.m relly amazed at how well this dog is doing on the leash, did they work on her leash skills prior to the sessions?
what did that mean to stay on the away side?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Dennis like Grisha said, no we didn’t practice!
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
She did great Dayna as you all did.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
because we enriched the environment, she took her time sniffing. Laura
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Sophie was born to BAT – D
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
yes she was Dayna..
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Can we talk a bit about how much / how to enrich the environment a bit more?
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Dayna…really encouraging to see her more interested in sniffing.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
She’s been in this space a few times so it’s not exactly new and exciting to her, I was so impressed with all her sniffs -D
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Grisha in the hood HAHA
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
I have placed out the helpers coat
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
cat pee πŸ™‚
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
is it a balance of enriching, but not too enriching?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
we have both in plenty here Jennie- great ideas – D
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
I use finely grated parmesian cheese, our dog hair, pee rags froom or puppy classes
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
I remember my own lexi – she was a working dog -focus on me and I needed to teach her to look around . So agian dog dependent on the amt of enrichment
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
TY Jennie, good point
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Thank you. Very informative discussion re: enrichment. That helped me a lot.
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
anyone else just lose video?
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
I did, but refreshed the page a few times and it worked
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Yes, it froze, so had to refresh
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
yes Jill, I had to refresh
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
I did, refreshed and it came back
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Same here, refreshed.
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Good job!
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
ok I’m back on thanks!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
haha marissa appreciated that toy break more than sophie I think!- D
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
Thanks for that last comment Grisha! This session is awesome! I am learning a lot
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
What is the collar high up on Sophie’s neck–looks like there’s a disc on it and it’s in addition to her regular collar? I don’t remember seeing it last week.
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
I am really enjoying this session.
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
beautiful session
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
awesome today! I am so excited about being able to see this – thank you
Shelly Wood
Shelly Wood
This is fantastic! I’m learning a lot and seeing that I have a lot more to learn too!
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
My aha moment today…adjustment isn’t just for dog. Great teamwork, good response to coaching and all with Sophie’s best interest in mind. Well done!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Would you always start with the subject dog in the area and then bring the helper in?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Good question Sara- that disc is an add on, it has calming scents on it.
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Thank you. So many ‘professional’ videos edit out all the mistakes. I’m a big believer that we learn much more from seeing ‘learning opportunities’ and actively discussing them.
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
Thanks Dayna! Great session πŸ™‚
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
for sure Brian for sure
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Brian J Sweet you are so right about editing out those learning moments.
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Good to know about the student dog walking away first. I often do it the other way so the student dog sees the other dog leave
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Love your comment, Wendy Dahl
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
totally agree Brian! Laura
Gwen CourbΓ©
Gwen CourbΓ©
My question: when the helper stops because Sophie has stopped and is looking in the direction of the decoy, I’ve noticed that the helpers body orientation and shoulders are facing the helper dog… what’s your opinion on that ? the advice I usually give is body orientation should
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
So Sophie started at 150 ft, about how close did she end up?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
about 50 feet
Gwen CourbΓ©
Gwen CourbΓ©
*** be away from helper
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Brand is Calm Paws Calming Disc Dog Collar attachment
Gwen CourbΓ©
Gwen CourbΓ©
sorry I’m using worn word here, when I say helper I mean handler oooops
Gwen CourbΓ©
Gwen CourbΓ©
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
50 ft Dayna – guess she wouldn’t have got that close before. Well done Sophie and the team!!
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Lost you guys, says live stream offline?
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
Hello, somehow it seems I don’t get audio?
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
still here, I have video and audio. Try to refresh maybe
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Absolutely Stephen- she is usually fixated at the very least, lunging and barking at worst, at that distance. HUGE day for Sophie!
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
ah now it works πŸ™‚
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
thx πŸ™‚
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
refreshed again and its better
Gwen CourbΓ©
Gwen CourbΓ©
Thanks Grisha for that answer
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
So I have a question- How do you implement this (BAT) in real life? Because a lot of the trainings success it seems hinges on management of the environment, but in ‘real life’ you cannot really do that.
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
My reality is that people will let their dogs run up to leashed dogs- they even come over large distances like half a soccer field- nothing you can do. And if you try to escape into the woods the hunters dog will folloow you (without his owner)
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
To support Grisha’s comment, handlers and instructors are not invisible so be mindful of your movement and positions, too, even when in break mode πŸ™‚
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
thank you I will look the management up πŸ˜‰
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Tanja Grisha talks about this more in this interview
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
TY Jennie helpful!
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
thx Jennie πŸ™‚
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Thank you, Grisha!
Mike Prasse
Mike Prasse
When do we know to move from Set Ups to Real Life?
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
About how long would a set up be for a dog/handler just learning BAT?
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Exhausted!! -D
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
and humans too Dayna πŸ™‚
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
she was pretty calm the rest of the day L
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
I think I just heard Grisha say she is capturing chat comments ? so we don’t hjave to copy and paste?
correct, lee. Never hurts to do it yourself though πŸ™‚
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
I love how everyone is so relaxed and happy and Sophie is just soaking ecerything in πŸ™‚
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Excellent tip, Laura!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Love the Helper Dog’s behavior, too!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
anyone getting me in chat?
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
yes we read you Jill
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Yes Jill
Gwen CourbΓ©
Gwen CourbΓ©
@Jill yes
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Helper dog is cutie Silas:
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Hi Jill! Yes, and “it depends on the dog” but a good mantra is “less is more” when it comes to time spent in the Set-Up
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
πŸ™‚ thanks
Wendy Dahl
Wendy Dahl
Thanks, Ellen. Always a great reminder for me.
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
A good tell when the Student Dog is done might be if the dog continues to move away.
Barbara Brabant
Barbara Brabant
This seems like a really long session for this dog. How long to your sessions typically last? Always ending on a good note.
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Next session – rinse repeat πŸ™‚
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Thanks Grisha and everyone else here!
Dayna Villa
Dayna Villa
Bye all- thanks for all the support! Dayna & Laura πŸ™‚
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
I’d like to see more focus on handler body position next time, as leash handling improves.
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Thanks Grisha! See you next week.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Thank you so much!
Joanne Heywood
Joanne Heywood
Thanks so much.
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
bye everyone . <3
Tanja Corvus
Tanja Corvus
Bye πŸ™‚
Gwen CourbΓ©
Gwen CourbΓ©
Thanks ! see you next week
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Nice Grisha!
Vanesa B Vizuete
Vanesa B Vizuete
This was awesome! Thanks everyone for your great questions and feedback!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Thank you!
Thank you!

PS the Mike Shikashio course is at

Chat Transcript for Review Session 1

Click here for the video.
Note that if it doesn’t say who typed, then that’s me (Grisha).

Hi is chat working?

Joanne Heywood
Joanne Heywood
Hi Grisha, yes, it’s working.
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
Joanne Heywood
Joanne Heywood
Yes, loud and clear, thank you.
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
I hear you
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Good Morning everyone
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
a huge snowstorm here – the city has delacred a state of emergency . so I get to watch this live!!!
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Good morning, I hear you
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
testing one 2 3
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Hello CBATIs!!! So great to see you here
Joanne Heywood
Joanne Heywood
Yes, the audio from the “Raw” is working.
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
My tail is wagging. πŸ™‚
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
audio issue
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
audio is not working here – it was and now appears to be stuck
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Audio is wonky
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Audio issue: you sound as if you are in space. πŸ™‚
Joanne Heywood
Joanne Heywood
oooh…. a long mechanical noise now… not good πŸ™
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
can anyone see my messages HELLO
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
good now – hello, Dennis
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
u fixed it
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
audio is great. πŸ™‚
Joanne Heywood
Joanne Heywood
It’s cleared up now here…
Joanne Heywood
Joanne Heywood
I can hear your train! πŸ™‚
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Thanks Kim..
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
hi dennis
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
I can’t hear anyting
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
yes thanks for fixing
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Hi Jeannie
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
Good morning!
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
space blasters are back
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
anyone else with audio issues or just me?
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
Audio is good for me
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
I cannto hear anyting or swee anything
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
good here
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Here sound is good.
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Kim I had it as well …weird noise . I unplugged my own mic . Not sure if that was it but my audio is fine now
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Kim, hit refresh
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
audio fine here
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Dennis, just left of the setting cog, you can increase volume with the bars
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
thanks Ellen – hit refresh and seems good
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Finally got it…
Thanks Jennie!
And also note there’s a mute button at the top
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
how is she with people?
I’ll be fixing the screen next time so text and video is side by side
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
any reactivity with staff or others?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
no mic here and the weird noise went away at the same time others mentioned.
No reactivity with staff
7:15 AM
all ok with chat?
Lisa Anne
Lisa Anne
I finally got on after technical difficulties.
Halla Brandt Clausen
Halla Brandt Clausen
I thought that the charging the clicker went rather fast for a dog who’s not used to it. Was that to speed things up or the speed you’ll use
Amy Tanna
Amy Tanna
Do you know if they did any formal temperament testing to determine reactivity, threshold, sociability, etc.?
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
is there a cue word that can be sub’ed for clicker if necessary?
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Amy, you can use YES as another marker
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
I use EX for EXcellent. πŸ™‚ Sharp and exclusive word.
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
nice tip, Suzanne
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
Mike Prasse
Mike Prasse
It appears you use a Look at That protocol first to charge the clicker, then go to Mark and Move?
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Yay, I’m here!
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Is there a reason for floor treating here?
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
I was tossing the treat on the floor because we wanted her to touch and move away and I wasn’t holding the dog
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
helps to reduce working mode
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
or prevent
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Ah yes, was not seeing that with all applications so wondered if it was tied to the do following.
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
awesome job Laura !
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
Sophie is a DOLL
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Thanks Jennie!
She is so cute!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
She is:-)
7:35 AM
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
I appreciated the second helper feeding while she sat and had the leash attached. It happened several times during the session. Well done
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
I’ve had difficulty with mountain bikers that all of sudden emerge when we are hiking and Pepp wants to charge because she is scared.
Amy Guyton
Amy Guyton
she is very keen to other cues – but this one is a biggie and a barrier that I can’t seem to get past.
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
toy brain πŸ™‚
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
It is helpful to see you teach the session via video, Grisha. I have a bunch of clients who live in CA (I’m in WA) and I do video sessions
Mike Prasse
Mike Prasse
You said to “click for engagement then click for disengagement”, so click when looks at trigger and click again when does a Look Away?
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
What do you do with stress-signs, like lots of mouth-licking (just then) and fiddle-about. How do you look at that in this setting?
Sorry I meant click for engagement for a while and then after a time shift into clicking for disengagement instead
Thanks Claire!
For stress signs, in a shelter environment there will pretty much always be some. Taking a break is one thing we can do, also breathing!
Relaxing our own breathing is helpful
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
ahh sweet chill boy πŸ™‚ <3
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
Sound absorbers on the walls of the kennel
Good one claire!
Amy Tanna
Amy Tanna
Kennel enrichment! Food puzzles, DAP, scent enrichment etc. to reduce overall stress
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
visual barriers on the others dogs cages
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Laura, did I understand it right that your walls are somewhat sound-absorbing as well?
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Yes, DAP, through a dogs ear, blinds with sheets
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
O, Claire is tipping that as well. πŸ™‚
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Amy, they do lots of food puzzles, DAP collars and scent enrichment
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
We have acoustical panels
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
practice the management pieces like treat magnet outside of the real event (i.e. no triggers present) and create some muscle memory
Amy Tanna
Amy Tanna
Laura that’s fabulous πŸ™‚ It looks like such a great shelter <3
Cindy Ehlers, CPDT-KA
Cindy Ehlers, CPDT-KA
volunteer to sit in kennel with dog. Create pleasant associations with triggers if possible?
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
volunteers have also worked on clicking for quiet as a dog passes by
And note that these ideas are not just for this shelter, but for anybody attending the course. So it’s fine to suggest something they…
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Is it just the visual as she walks by or the act of walking by knowing there are dogs in there
already have in place at Providence
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
They are a terrific group!
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Barb (HI xoxo) she may know there are dogs yet when we take away the visual it always helps …reduces stress some but ya she would know the
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
Wow it’s 8 degrees here where are they
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
“volunteers have also worked on clicking for quiet as a dog passes by”. How did this work, Laura? Are the dogs more quiet overall?
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Media, PA, we lucked out, it was a beautiful day
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
tech question (new at this) do I have to sign in somewhere special to have name by comments? I signed in to chat via vimeo/FB …
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
yes, Director of Operations
Amy Tanna
Amy Tanna
We have corresponding outdoor kennels completely separate from the indoor, so we have to be cognizant of dog neighbors both inside/outside
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Lee Morrow I see your name
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Lee, we see your name. But it does not show to you. Same here.
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Thanks Jennie, Hi xo
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Thanks Brian!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Suzanne, ideally it would happen daily because the dogs change, so it helps but would help more if done everyday
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Yes, I understand.
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
I thought that Pet Tutors hung above would help so that person passing with dog can use remote
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
love the pet tutors and SDHS has them installed in their behavior center
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
hang bowls of treats if no budget for Pet Tutors
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
is there any way to capture chat comments, I understand not avail later. but a way perhaps to catch it on our own?
I am copy/pasting them into a text file for myself. Right now that’s the only way I know
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Wow that would be great, the Pet Tutors. You could also hang them outside if you want the dogs to really move away from the passage.
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
is the fence line to the left actually shared with the homes there? if so, are there dogs in the home yards to be aware of?
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Thanks Grisha
Exactly, Suzanne. And they’re quiet
Great question, Kim! We didn’t answer that in the session. Laura?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Inexpensive quick fix may be solid shower curtains on curtain rods. On outside of gate. easy to clean
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Kim, good question, it is shared with the houses but I’ve never seen dogs right at the fence. There is one dog who sits on the porch and
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
he barks since the porch is high enough he can see over
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
but I haven’t seen him in a long time
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
thanks, laura!
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Would love to have the chat file from you Grisha.
8:01 AM
Dennis Fehling
Dennis Fehling
our internet is really bad here so i cannot watch this today. Hopefulyl we get to see the recording, have a great day everyone
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Thanks for joining us while you could, Dennis
Lisa Anne
Lisa Anne
What do you do with more energetic dogs who are always at the end of their leashes?
Thanks for trying, Dennis!
The recording should be up a few hours after
Teressa that’s a good idea, I’ll post it
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
lisa place items in the area like scented objects, food scatters. Grisha will talk about this
Lisa – what Jennie said. Also exercising first, smaller training area, reinforcement for attention to you.
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Doing a training session, where the dog has to think a lot as well as puzzles before the setup can help as well
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
shake off could be from the excitement of the toy as well?
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
I know you recommmend a specific harness, which I think I see Sophie wearing. Would any back clip dog harness work?
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
Like clipping to the back ring of the wonder walker?
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
that’s super interesting!!
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
did the live stream stop for anyone else?
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
still good here
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
YES! And BAT is all about movement.
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
refresh πŸ™‚
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Claire, I have same Q, thanks for asking!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
One question about having Sophie go with the Dog Trotters…if she over reacts when she sees a dog it might be challenging
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
so any tips for that?
Do the dog trotters go as a group
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
I don’t think so
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
have had many clients that can run with their dog/dog reactive dogs and dog is not reactive. think that it could often be that the dog
I’m visualizing the runner just taking laps around that field you showed us
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
They could do that. The Trotters go off property, but maybe we could do laps on property with her
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
is more comfortable moving away from triggers at a faster pace but also think the “runners high” may play a role
with cones guarding the area so she doesn’t have to see any other dogs. someone
or someone from the team
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
kim I too have a client who is a runner and the dog does not react. I have watched and she is in the zone of contentment!
I think it’s both, Kim. How cool is neuroscience!?
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
I know you recommmend a specific harness, which I think I see Sophie wearing. Would any back clip dog harness work?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Running as a Naturally Occurring Reinforcer. πŸ™‚
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
Like the back ring of a wonder walker?
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
love the neuroscience understanding we are gaining!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Claire, the Balance harness is nice because the shoulders are free
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
not for me Ellen lol
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Ugh, Grisha is going to make me job
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
love running as an NOR – but like jennie says, depends on the learner!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Running or not running, just keep in mind the Antecedent Arrangement as Grisha’s recommending
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
Are there other harnesses (like available on Amazon) that would work? (Mainly for clients for ease of ordering?)
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
I wonder if we could use that with sheets for her safe space?
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
Balance is available on Amazon
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
if the leash touches my cattle dog he moves away from it or even walks sideways.
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
live stream off line it says…
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
Oooohh, good call.
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
On the small businesses
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz

Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
thanks Kim
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
victoria hit refresh
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
Link to Amazon but I try to encourage my clients to get direct from Blue-9 to support them!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Love the trainer focusing on the dog “eyes on dog”
Cindy Ehlers, CPDT-KA
Cindy Ehlers, CPDT-KA
I use the Balance harness and also the TTouch Harmony Harness
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
tossing a treat and letting the leash go caused the leash to go on the ground so we had Carolyn have a treat in her hand
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
She would drop leash in one hand when she went to get a treat
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
TY for harness tips.
Refresh your browser if livescreen offline appears
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Victoria, I’ve had dogs that are very sensitive to leash contact. I have to work on that sensory separate from training.
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
Barbara, thanks, good to be aware of that. I usually work with pitties… so not so aware
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
do you not like the freedom harness anymore?
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
She took a nice long nap after this
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
i love the perfect fit, my dogs bodies did not work with other’s I’ve tried. Each piece of the 3 part system is body specific.
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
I’m reconsidering it due to the martingale feature on the back; i’ve seen dogs do better without that additional pressure
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
ty – i am so glad I had the chance to join the live version today. xoxo
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Barbara, thank you for that any suggestion where to start?
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Some dogs benefit from movement, but others from sniffing, right? before a session?
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
Thank you!
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
Thank you.
Teressa Hill
Teressa Hill
Thank you Grisha!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
will we start inside next week?
Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall
Thanks, Grisha! Have a good day, everybody πŸ™‚
Joanne Heywood
Joanne Heywood
Thank you.
Victoria Gideon-Photography
Victoria Gideon-Photography
this was wonderful. Thank you so much
Lee Morrow
Lee Morrow
TY – really enjoying this. All the ideas.
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Such a great experience today, thank you!
jennie murphy
jennie murphy
Suzanne -yes imo that would be dog dependent
Thank you. Wishing you all a great day. Here it’s bed-time. πŸ™‚
Barbara Sperling
Barbara Sperling
Loved it, thanks!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
laura, what about weather in Media?
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
Do you guys work outside in rain/snow/cold?
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
fingers crossed we get another good weather day!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
might have snow on the ground
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
for this we will
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
For BAT in the city, does it make sense to start with the wonder walker and then move to balance?
Kim Yuskiewicz
Kim Yuskiewicz
stay warm!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
thanks Kim!
Granie Dani
Granie Dani
well done!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
we do have a couple indoor training spaces at Providence
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
Mainly to reduce pulling first – I know it goes against BAT 2.0, but in the city… you know.
Suzanne Huijs
Suzanne Huijs
Thanks! πŸ™‚
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
Ahhh, thanks Grisha!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
Grisha has a video of Bean walking in NYC on a long line
Cindy Ehlers, CPDT-KA
Cindy Ehlers, CPDT-KA
Thank you!
Amy Tanna
Amy Tanna
Laura, just curious – do you know if Shelter staff temperament tested Sophie for threshold and sociability at any point?
Claire Anderson
Claire Anderson
Great, thank you so much!
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrington
they evaluate all the dogs. It turned out that Sophie was not feeling well when she first came in, then as she felt better behaviors showed
Amy Tanna
Amy Tanna

Session 6 Raw: Parallel Play, Zig-Zag Mark & Move

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This is a Raw Session, which is unedited footage of the training session. Please see the Review Sessions for commentary.




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Chat Transcript:

If it doesn’t say who typed the comment, then it was me (Grisha). I posted the first comment

Good morning!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Hi Grisha – last session πŸ™
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
a bit of a hum, but no echo
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
loud and clear
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Good morning
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Good morning!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Hey Jill! Can’t wait to see you in NJ in late April
Dana Funk
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Can we get Sophie updates afterwards?
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
I have a question about BAT walks, my little terrier loves them and is doing really great, but the freedom part has led to a lot of chasing little lizards and bugs (they’re everywhere in FL), is that something that I should be doing a slide or mime pulling on, or is it ok to allo
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Yes I am super excited about it! I am thinking of signing my daughter up as well, she is also a trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
OH? Yes! Our course is designed for teams to work together so that might be extra cool if with your daughter
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
What are your favorite impulse control games to play at home which can translate to helping in a BAT session?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Laura is echoing
Laura audio not working well – echo
Dana Funk
wifi vs 3G
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Grisha might comment, but my two cents on chasing the lizards, etc., yes, a slide is super helpful and a mime pull if they’re super focused. You could also add a cue like “with me” and train that with marker/food so he knows it’s time to move along with you. hang on, it won’t let
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Appreciate it varies greatly from one dog to another, but do you have stats on number of sessions vs progress? Would you just keep going say after 10 or more?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Big question for you is “when does he do it” IF the chasing is happening as a displacement behavior, then that’s information that the environ might be too hard and chasing lizards makes it easier to be there, so think about that.
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
See if there’s a pattern chasing the lizards. We can also talk PM about it so I don’t take up all this chat room lol
Dana Funk
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
That’s better!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Hi Stephen, until Grisha can comment, you are right, “depends on the dog” but all BAT Dogs will always benefit from BAT anytime they are on a lead; it just never stops as a way of life.
Dana Funk
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Ellen – thanks. What I meant was if you are doing formal sessions, would you just keep on with them until target distance reached?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Re # of Set-Ups, always hard to give a solid number on that. We look at a reduction of behavior, and patterns meaning after a while doing BAT, one will be able to read the dog’s behavior and the try to align that with the owners’ agenda lol
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Stephan, argggg! I hit a button and lost my response. We can PM if you’d like since the class is starting. I do have more info for you. πŸ™‚
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Ellen – understood, thank you. So may take many more than 10 say and sometimes there will be setbacks. I will pick this up on Friday so i am not distracting people!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Why is it called box breathing?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Will be on Messenger afterwards Ellen…
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Stephen, we’ll chat further!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
does she know that cue?
7:31 AM
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Love your idea of the “all done cue.” After this exercise would it be a good time to do it?
7:37 AM
can you still hear?
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Good! I like the distance in which to start and just mark from there
7:45 AM
Dani Office
Dani Office
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Nice, Laura! Yes I totally think that’s a lot of Sophie’s human interaction is to just check-in vs hang out. Which for BAT Set-Ups (vs M&M) is what we should see – checking in and back to moving about
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
not really vs M&M, I miswrote that. But less human directed
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
There is something moving in the breeze on the table there…
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Have the humans move further away
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Can they go further back instead of standing closer to the fence line?
8:00 AM
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
8:07 AM
Brian J. Sweet
Brian J. Sweet
thank you
8:12 AM
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
What are your high value treats?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Dana’s leash skills have really blossomed
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Yes and but it was less!
8:22 AM
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
I would def take a break in the car and see what she’s doing in there. I have a feeling she’s done
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
I agree that we saw a reduction in arousal even in a variety of contexts, an increase in check-ins, a reduction in the time it took for her to re engage with the eviron
8:30 AM
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Brilliant team, thank you!
Jacqueline Moreno
Jacqueline Moreno
Yes! Deepest thanks to Team & New guardians
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
For the team: what did you learn about Sophie that you didn’t know before the course?
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Recognizing environments and body language, too!
8:40 AM
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Yes, Dana… the fact that you guys stepped onto a stage like this is incredible.
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
It has been fantastci. We will really miss you guys!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Need Sophie updates…
Jill Wattles
Jill Wattles
Thank you to all of you at the shelter for participating, I have really learned a lot!
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
And if any shelter folks would like to attend an upcoming BAT Cert Course, please contact me and we can work something out
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Ellen The Dog Trainer
Good work, team!
Stephen Bell
Stephen Bell
Bye everyone!
Dana Funk
Thanks everyone!
Also don’t forget Michael’s course starts tomorrow:


Session 5 Raw: BAT Set-up

[s2If current_user_cannot(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]

To view this video, please purchase this course or log in if you have already purchased it.[/s2If][s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]
This is a Raw Session, which is unedited footage of the training session. Please see the Review Sessions for commentary.



  • Muting and volume control are on the video player above and you also have a master volume on your device. Headphones give you the best audio.
  • Changing playback speed lets you watch and listen more efficiently. You can also slow it down if you need more time to process.
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  • Email us if you still have trouble.


  • The Review Session videos qualify for 9 CCPDT CEUs.Β  Raw Session videos do not count toward CEUs but can still be added to your library for your own record.
  • We will report CCPDT CEUs if you have have an active personal Professional membership (not a shelter membership) at the reporting date for CEUs. Reporting dates are April 1 and October 1 annually.
  • You must have the entire series of 6 videos in your course history to qualify for CPDT CEU reporting.
  • Please click the link at the end of the video to add to your history.
  • Read this note on CEUs for this site, including how to enter your CCPDT number.
  • If you are certified by another organization, your video history may serve as a way for you to apply for CEUs.


Session 4 Raw: BAT Set-up

[s2If current_user_cannot(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]

To view this video, please purchase this course or log in if you have already purchased it.[/s2If][s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]
This is a Raw Session, which is unedited footage of the training session. Please see the Review Sessions for commentary.




  • Muting and volume control are on the video player above and you also have a master volume on your device. Headphones give you the best audio.
  • Changing playback speed lets you watch and listen more efficiently. You can also slow it down if you need more time to process.
  • If the screen freezes or goes black, refresh your browser.
  • If you don’t see a video above, your browser settings may be too strict. You can change your settings or use a different browser.
  • Email us if you still have trouble.


  • The Review Session videos qualify for 9 CCPDT CEUs.Β  Raw Session videos do not count toward CEUs but can still be added to your library for your own record.
  • We will report CCPDT CEUs if you have have an active personal Professional membership (not a shelter membership) at the reporting date for CEUs. Reporting dates are April 1 and October 1 annually.
  • You must have the entire series of 6 videos in your course history to qualify for CPDT CEU reporting.
  • Please click the link at the end of the video to add to your history.
  • Read this note on CEUs for this site, including how to enter your CCPDT number.
  • If you are certified by another organization, your video history may serve as a way for you to apply for CEUs.


Session 3 Raw: BAT Set-up (Sophie Adopted!)

[s2If current_user_cannot(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]

To view this video, please purchase this course or log in if you have already purchased it.[/s2If]

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]
This is a Raw Session, which is unedited footage of the training session. Please see the Review Sessions for commentary.

In this session, I found out a few minutes before the session that Sophie had been adopted. Change of plans! This was a hard session, with plenty of room for improvement, so definitely watch the Review Session for ideas.

NOTE: The stream cut out halfway through but I was able to put in lower quality footage for the second half on the video below.




  • Muting and volume control are on the video player above and you also have a master volume on your device. Headphones give you the best audio.
  • Changing playback speed lets you watch and listen more efficiently. You can also slow it down if you need more time to process.
  • If the screen freezes or goes black, refresh your browser.
  • If you don’t see a video above, your browser settings may be too strict. You can change your settings or use a different browser.
  • Email us if you still have trouble.


  • The Review Session videos qualify for 9 CCPDT CEUs.Β  Raw Session videos do not count toward CEUs but can still be added to your library for your own record.
  • We will report CCPDT CEUs if you have have an active personal Professional membership (not a shelter membership) at the reporting date for CEUs. Reporting dates are April 1 and October 1 annually.
  • You must have the entire series of 6 videos in your course history to qualify for CPDT CEU reporting.
  • Please click the link at the end of the video to add to your history.
  • Read this note on CEUs for this site, including how to enter your CCPDT number.
  • If you are certified by another organization, your video history may serve as a way for you to apply for CEUs.


Session 0 Raw: Leash Skills Pretraining

[s2If current_user_cannot(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]To view this video, please purchase this course or log in if you have already purchased it.[/s2If]

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]This is the first session, where I started going over the leash skills with the shelter team. We were also testing technology and in this session.

Click the link at the end of each video in the course to add it to your Video History.[/s2If]


  • Muting and volume control are on the video player above and you also have a master volume on your device. Headphones give you the best audio.
  • Changing playback speed lets you watch and listen more efficiently. You can also slow it down if you need more time to process.
  • If the screen freezes or goes black, refresh your browser.
  • If you don’t see a video above, your browser settings may be too strict. You can change your settings or use a different browser.
  • Email us if you still have trouble.


  • The Review Session videos qualify for 9 CCPDT CEUs.Β  Raw Session videos do not count toward CEUs but can still be added to your library for your own record.
  • We will report CCPDT CEUs if you have have an active personal Professional membership (not a shelter membership) at the reporting date for CEUs. Reporting dates are April 1 and October 1 annually.
  • You must have the entire series of 6 videos in your course history to qualify for CPDT CEU reporting.
  • Please click the link at the end of the video to add to your history.
  • Read this note on CEUs for this site, including how to enter your CCPDT number.
  • If you are certified by another organization, your video history may serve as a way for you to apply for CEUs.

Session 2 Raw: BAT Set-up

[s2If current_user_cannot(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]

To view this video, please purchase this course or log in if you have already purchased it.[/s2If]

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]
This is a Raw Session, which is unedited footage of the training session. Raw Sessions are a bonus for the course. Please see the Review Sessions for commentary.



  • Muting and volume control are on the video player above and you also have a master volume on your device. Headphones give you the best audio.
  • Changing playback speed lets you watch and listen more efficiently. You can also slow it down if you need more time to process.
  • If the screen freezes or goes black, refresh your browser.
  • If you don’t see a video above, your browser settings may be too strict. You can change your settings or use a different browser.
  • Email us if you still have trouble.


  • The Review Session videos qualify for 9 CCPDT CEUs.Β  Raw Session videos do not count toward CEUs but can still be added to your library for your own record.
  • We will report CCPDT CEUs if you have have an active personal Professional membership (not a shelter membership) at the reporting date for CEUs. Reporting dates are April 1 and October 1 annually.
  • You must have the entire series of 6 videos in your course history to qualify for CPDT CEU reporting.
  • Please click the link at the end of the video to add to your history.
  • Read this note on CEUs for this site, including how to enter your CCPDT number.
  • If you are certified by another organization, your video history may serve as a way for you to apply for CEUs.


Session 1 Raw: Intro, Leash Skills, Meeting the Dog

[s2If current_user_cannot(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]

To view this video, please purchase this course or log in if you have already purchased it.[/s2If][s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_course_008_sh)]
This is a Raw Session, which is unedited footage of the training session. Please see the Review Sessions for commentary.




  • Muting and volume control are on the video player above and you also have a master volume on your device. Headphones give you the best audio.
  • Changing playback speed lets you watch and listen more efficiently. You can also slow it down if you need more time to process.
  • If the screen freezes or goes black, refresh your browser.
  • If you don’t see a video above, your browser settings may be too strict. You can change your settings or use a different browser.
  • Email us if you still have trouble.


  • The Review Session videos qualify for 9 CCPDT CEUs.Β  Raw Session videos do not count toward CEUs but can still be added to your library for your own record.
  • We will report CCPDT CEUs if you have have an active personal Professional membership (not a shelter membership) at the reporting date for CEUs. Reporting dates are April 1 and October 1 annually.
  • You must have the entire series of 6 videos in your course history to qualify for CPDT CEU reporting.
  • Please click the link at the end of the video to add to your history.
  • Read this note on CEUs for this site, including how to enter your CCPDT number.
  • If you are certified by another organization, your video history may serve as a way for you to apply for CEUs.
